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- About SF
- Accreditation
- Contact Santa Fe College
- Equal Access and Equal Opportunity (EAEO)
- Mission, Values and Goals
- SF Named Top Community College in the Nation
- Operations and Services
- Title IX
- Consumer Information
- Baccalaureate Retention and Success - Consumer Information
- CARES Act - Consumer Information
- Copyright Law - Consumer Information
- Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program - Consumer Information
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) - Consumer Information
- (G) Academic Programs - Consumer Information
- Professional Licensure and Certification Information - Consumer Information
- State Vocational Program Placement - Consumer Information
- Retention Success - Consumer Information
- (V) Institutional Policies Regarding Vaccinations - Consumer Information
- SF History Timeline
- Academic Affairs
- Advisory Committees - Academic Affairs
- Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
- Faculty Support - Academic Affairs
- Final Exam Schedule - Academic Affairs
- General Education
- Professional Development - Academic Affairs
- Syllabi Checklist - Academic Affairs
- Textbook Affordability Guidelines - Academic Affairs
- Title III - Academic Affairs
- About Academic Affairs
- Faculty Credentialing Manual
- Academics
- Career and Technical Education
- Career and Technical Education Scholarships
- Business Programs
- Construction and Technical Programs
- Education Programs
- Department of Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Advisory Committees for Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Contact - Department of Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Faculty - Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology Advising
- Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology Current Students
- Dance, Associate in Arts Degree
- Health Sciences
- Institute of Public Safety
- Advisory Committees for Institute of Public Safety
- Train and Work in Bradford County
- Contact Institute of Public Safety
- Institute of Public Safety Equivalency of Training
- Institute of Public Safety Faculty
- Licensure and Certification - Institute of Public Safety
- Institute of Public Safety Veterans
- Institute of Public Safety - Advanced and Specialized Training
- Advanced Field Training Officer Course
- Advanced Report Writing And Review
- Basic Detective Investigations Course
- BLS/CPR Instructor
- De-Escalation Techniques for Criminal Justice Officers
- First Aid Instructor Course
- Florida General Instructor Techniques
- General Instructor Refresher Course
- Interviews and Interrogations
- School Resource Officer
- Supervisor Report Review
- Vehicle Operations Instructor Course
- Institute of Public Safety Advising
- Current Students
- Information Technology Education
- TEAM Careers
- Emerging Technologies
- Degree Options - Programs of Study
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Department of English
- Department of Humanities, Communications and Languages
- Mathematics Department
- Department of Natural Sciences
- Contact - Department of Natural Sciences
- SF2UF Bridge to Baccalaureate - Department of Natural Sciences
- Science Resource Areas - Department of Natural Sciences
- Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Programs of Study
- Automotive Service Management Technology, A.A.S.
- Zoo Animal Technology, A.S.
- Business Administration - Management, A.S.
- Business Administration – Insurance & Risk Management, A.S.
- Applied Business Analytics, A.S.
- Office Administration, A.S.
- Accounting, A.S.
- Nursing A.S. (Evenings and Weekends)
- Nursing, A.S.
- Radiography, A.S.
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, A.S.
- Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, A.S.
- Cardiovascular Sonography, A.S.
- Respiratory Care, A.S.
- Dental Hygiene, A.S.
- Nursing Bridge LPN, A.S.
- Nuclear Medicine Technology, A.S.
- Physical Therapist Assistant, A.S.
- Surgical Services, A.S.
- Dental Hygiene Bridge, A.S.
- Health Services Management, A.S.
- Emergency Medical Services, A.S.
- Early Childhood Education, A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, A.S.
- Health Information Technology, A.S.
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology, A.S.
- Construction Management Technology, A.S.
- Graphic Design Technology, A.S.
- Digital Media Technology, A.S.
- Biotechnology Laboratory Technology, A.S.
- Programming and Analysis, A.S.
- Chemical Technology, A.S.
- Networking Systems Technology, A.S.
- Criminal Justice Technology, A.S.
- Paralegal Studies, A.S.
- Biomedical Equipment Technician, A.S.
- IT Security, A.S.
- Health Services Administration, B.A.S.
- Health Service Administration, B.A.S. - Clinical Documentation Integrity concentration
- Clinical Laboratory Science, B.A.S.
- Industrial Biotechnology, B.A.S.
- Early Childhood Education, B.S.
- Nursing, B.S.N.
- Organizational Management - Management, B.A.S.
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Human Resource Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. - Public Safety Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. - Applied Business Analytics concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Zoo and Aquarium Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Digital Marketing concentration
- Accounting, B.S.
- Multimedia and Video Production Technology, B.A.S.
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Network concentration
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Programming concentration
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Security concentration
- Computed Tomography, A.T.C.
- Sterile Processing Technology, C.C.C.
- Polysomnography, A.T.C.
- Mobile Gaming Entrepreneurship, Certificate
- Risk Management and Insurance Operations, Certificate
- Data Management Analytics Specialist, Certificate
- Allied Healthcare Business Specialist, Certificate
- Office Specialist, Certificate
- Revenue Cycle Management Medical Coder Biller, A.T.D.
- Information Technology Support Specialist, Certificate
- Computer Programmer, Certificate
- Computer Programming Specialist, Certificate
- Help Desk Support Technician, C.C.C.
- Network Server Administration, Certificate
- Network Infrastructure, Certificate
- Network Security, Certificate
- Paramedic, C.C.C.
- Emergency Medical Technician, C.C.C.
- Dental Assisting, C.T.C.
- Practical Nursing, C.T.C.
- Nursing Assistant, C.T.C.
- Surgical Technology, Certificate
- Phlebotomy, Certificate
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technology, C.T.C.
- Automotive Service Technology, C.T.C.
- Welding Technology, C.T.C.
- Advanced Welding Technology, C.T.C.
- Heating and Air Conditioning Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Plumbing Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Building Maintenance and Management, C.T.C.
- Carpentry Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Electrical Construction Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Law Enforcement Officer, C.T.C.
- Correctional Officer, C.T.C.
- Crossover From Law Enforcement Officer to Correctional Officer, C.T.C.
- Crossover From Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer, C.T.C.
- Career and Technical Education
- Academy of Science and Technology
- Accessibility @ SF
- Accessibility Resources
- Physical Accessibility
- Visitor / Guests Accommodations
- Electronic Accessibility
- Quick Tips for Digital Content Accessibility
- Canvas Design Guidelines - Accessibility
- Use Videos with Accurate Captioning - Accessibility
- Media and Copyright Law - Accessibility
- Ensure Documents are Accessible - Accessibility
- Describe Essential Elements of Images - Accessibility
- Include DRC Statement in Syllabus - Accessibility
- Use Accessible Text - Accessibility
- Make Web Links Accessible - Accessibility
- Admissions
- Contact Admissions
- Florida Residency for Discounted Tuition
- Additional Information and Forms
- Virtual Admissions Lobby
- Priority Admissions Dates
- Thank You
- Waivers and Exemptions
- Admissions Events
- Get Started - Admissions
- How To Apply - Admissions
- Adult Education - Admissions
- Career Pathways - Admissions
- First Generation Students
- First Time in College Students - Admissions
- International Students - Admissions
- Returning Students - Admissions
- Transfer Students - Admissions
- Transient Students - Admissions
- DACA/Undocumented - Admissions
- Yo Hablo Español
- Next Steps
- Office for Advancement
- Advisement - Academic Advisement Center
- Association of Florida Colleges (AFC)
- Student Ambassador Program
- Andrews Center
- Blount Center
- Brand Guide
- Guidelines - Brand Guide
- Support - Brand Guide
- Toolkit - Brand Guide
- Colors - Brand Guide
- Compliance Statements - Brand Guide
- Consent Forms - Brand Guide
- For President Email Signature Only
- Email Signature - Brand Guide
- Fonts - Brand Guide
- Logos and Letterhead - Brand Guide
- Official Publications - Brand Guide
- Photo Gallery - Brand Guide
- Print Portal - Brand Guide
- Templates - Brand Guide
- Writing Style Guide - Brand Guide
- Web Widgets - Brand Guide
- Santa Fe College Camps
- Career Pathways
- Career and Job Placement
- Center for Academic Technologies
- Career Exploration Center
- College for Kids
- Community Education
- Continuing Education
- Contact Continuing Education
- Continuing Education Courses
- How to Register for Continuing Education
- Customized Training and Talent Development - Continuing Education
- Become an Instructor for Continuing Education
- Online Learning for Continuing Education
- Medical Billing and Coding (Voucher Included)
- Optician Certification Training
- Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) + Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS) (Vouchers Included)
- Certified Physical Therapy Aide (Voucher Included)
- Certified Professional Life Coach (Exam Included)
- Certified Administrative Professional with Microsoft Office Specialist 2019 (Vouchers Included)
- Certified Bookkeeper with Microsoft Excel 2019 (Voucher Included)
- Procurement & Purchasing Management
- Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (Exam Cost Included)
- Web Applications Developer Plus
- CompTIA™ Certification Training: A+, Network+, Security+ (Vouchers Included)
- Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
- Entrepreneurship: Start-Up and Business Owner Management (Voucher Included)
- Freight Broker/Agent Training
- MindEdge - Online Learning
- Counseling and Wellness Center
- Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Support - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Community Resources - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Contact - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Emergency Assistance - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Frequently Asked Questions - Counseling and Wellness Center
- For Faculty - Counseling and Wellness Center
- For Parents - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Intern Program - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Scope of Practice - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Services for Online Students - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Suicide Prevention - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
- Worried About a Friend? - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Meditation and Mindfulness - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Resources - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Adjustment Issues - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Anxiety and Stress - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Apps - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Communication Skills - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Coping With Loss - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Depression - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Life Skills - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Racism, Coping and Mental Health Support - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Self-esteem - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Test Anxiety - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Time Management and Procrastination - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Career Service Council
- Davis Center
- Displaced Homemaker Program
- Disabilities Resource Center
- Accommodations for Events
- Contact Disabilities Resource Center
- Frequently Asked Questions - Disabilities Resource Center
- Grievance / Appeals - Disabilities Resource Center
- Service Animals - Disabilities Resource Center
- Adaptive Technologies - Disabilities Resource Center
- Spectrum of Success - Disabilities Resource Center
- Students - Disabilities Resource Center
- /error/
- Executive Leadership
- Financial Aid
- Contact Financial Aid
- Financial Aid TV
- Financial Aid Handbook
- FAFSA Updates - Financial Aid
- Get Your Aid
- Apply - Financial Aid
- Cost of Attendance - Financial Aid
- Dates and Deadlines - Financial Aid
- Eligibility - Financial Aid
- FAFSA Resources
- Federal Work-Study Handbook
- Net Price Calculator - Financial Aid
- Net Price Calculator - Financial Aid
- Special Situations - Financial Aid
- Verification - Financial Aid
- Keep Your Aid - Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Scholarships
- Use Your Aid - Financial Aid
- Ways To Pay - Financial Aid
- Facilities Services
- Office for Finance
- /floridaheritagefoods/
- European Collection
- About Us
- /floridaheritagefoods/biblical-collection/
- Heritage Foods
- Biblical Collection
- African- American Recipes
- African Collection
- Asian Collection
- /floridaheritagefoods/collections/european/
- Latin American Collection
- Events
- /floridaheritagefoods/plant-cards/
- Aloe – Spanish
- Aloe
- Bay Leaf
- Bitter Melon
- Black Eyed Peas
- Bok Choy
- Cassava – Spanish
- Cassava
- Celosia
- Chaya
- Chayote – Spanish
- Chayote
- Collards
- Colorful Potatoes
- Daikon Radish
- Fig
- Garlic Chives
- Ginger
- Gumbo
- Hoppin' John
- Jambalaya
- Juneteenth Drink
- Kiwano
- Lavender
- Malabar
- Mexican Tarragon – Spanish
- Mint
- Mizuna
- Molokhiya
- Muscadine Grape
- Mustard
- Nopal – Spanish
- Nopal
- Okra
- Olive
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Pigeon Peas – Spanish
- Pigeon Peas
- Pomegranates
- Fried Okra
- Potatoes – Spanish
- Roselle – Spanish
- Roselle
- Rosemary
- Shiitake Mushroom
- Sweet Potato – Spanish
- Sweet Potato
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Tomatillo – Spanish
- Tomatillo
- Turmeric
- All Recipes
- Bok choy with lime dressing
- Candied Sweet Potato
- Cazuela (Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and Coconut Milk Custard)
- Ceviche Peru-Puerto
- Chayote Au Gratin
- Chayote Squash Hash
- Chayotes Rellenos (Chayote Squash Stuffed with Picadillo)
- Christmas Pea Salad
- Coconut Braised Collards
- Collard Greens
- Culantro Chimichurri
- End of Summer fruit salad
- Ensalada de Chayote y Habichuelas Tiernas (Chayote and Green Bean Salad)
- Gandules con Bolitas de Platano (Pigeon Peas with Plantain Dumplings)
- Ginger Pear Preserves Recipe
- Gingery Quiona
- Gumbo
- Hoppin' John
- Indian Pudding
- Kate's House Italian Dressing
- Lemon Okra
- Lemon Parsley Potato Salad
- Maharani Curry
- Mixed Greens with Peaches, Grilled Endive, Seared Shrimp and Pomegranate-Soy Vinaigrette
- Mint Mojito Mocktail
- Mommo's Sweet Potato Pudding
- Mushrooms Al Ajillo
- Peach, Moringa, and Mint Smoothie
- Pot Liquor
- Parsley-Oregano Baking Sauce
- Red Snapper and Smashin' Tomatillo Salsa
- Rosella Muffins
- Roselle-Ginger Punch
- Roselle Relish
- Roselle Sauce
- Sazon
- Scalloped Sweet Potatoes with Apples Recipe
- Shepherd's Pie
- Shrimp with Parsley Ajillo
- Sofrito
- Southern Pea Soup
- Southwest Sheet Pan Veggie Hash
- Spanish Olive Salad
- Summer fruit salad with fresh mint dressing
- Sweet Potato Biscuits Recipe
- Sweet Potato Boats
- Sweet Potato Bread Recipe
- Sweet Potato Cakes
- Sweet Potato Chips Recipe
- Sweet potato pie
- Sweet Potato Pie
- Sweet Potato Pone
- Tangy Tarragon Dressing
- Olive Tapenade Deviled Eggs
- Umatilla Smash
- Watermelon Rind Preserves Recipe
- Yuca with Garlic Sauce / Yuca Con Mojo Criollo
- Resources
- Educator Resources – Classroom Resources
- Educator Resources – Cooking Resources
- Educator resources – Event Planning Resources
- Educator Resources – Games
- Educator Resources – Food and Culture Instructional Tools
- Educator Resources – Planning Chart
- Educator Resources – Recipe Cards
- Educator Resources – Spanish Recipe Cards
- Toolkit
- Educator Resources – Videos
- Educator Resources – Gardening Resources
- Santa Fe College Foundation
- Fine Arts
- Office of the General Counsel
- GRRATE Summer Institutes
- Honors Program
- Human Resources
- High School Dual Enrollment
- Business Incubators - CIED
- International Center
- Contact International Center
- International Opportunities - International Education
- International Education
- International Student Support and Advising
- Institutional Research
- International Student Services
- Contact International Student Services
- Health Insurance - International Student Services
- International Center Lobby Check-In
- Meet Our Staff - International Student Services
- Non-F1 Students - International Student Services
- Current F-1 Students - International Student Services
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - International Student Services
- I-20 Extension - International Student Services
- Optional Practical Training (OPT) - International Student Services
- Plans After Graduation - International Student Services
- Reduced Course Load (RCL) - International Student Services
- Transfer-Out - International Student Services
- New F-1 Students - International Student Services
- Information Technology Services
- About - Information Technology Services
- Hardware - Information Technology Services
- Frequently Asked Questions - Information Technology Services
- Basic Troubleshooting For Document Locator - Information Technology Services
- Email Client Information - Information Technology Services
- Fax Server - Information Technology Services
- How to add an email address as a Safe Sender - Information Technology Services
- How to change your name with SF - Information Technology Services
- How to change your password - Information Technology Services
- How to change your picture in Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- How to contact the ITS Help Desk - Information Technology Services
- How to Create a Strong Password - Information Technology Services
- How to identify a phishing email - Information Technology Services
- How to install Office 2016 from Office 365 (webmail) - Information Technology Services
- How to login to Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- How to Use the Classroom Lectern Equipment - Information Technology Services
- Multi-factor Authentication - Information Technology Services
- What is ransomware? - Information Technology Services
- Student Migration to Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- Update Your Online Directory and Outlook - Information Technology Services
- Updating employee emergency contact information - Information Technology Services
- Voicemail - Information Technology Services
- Wifi Assistance - Information Technology Services
- Zoom - Information Technology Services
- Policies - Information Technology Services
- Training - Information Technology Services
- Cybersecurity Training - Information Technology Services
- FERPA Training - Information Technology Services
- Microsoft Windows - Information Technology Services
- Microsoft Office - Information Technology Services
- Phone Information - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4018 and 4019 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4028 and 4029 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4038, 4039 and 4068 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8018 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8038 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8082 - Information Technology Services
- Kirkpatrick Center
- Labs
- Learning Commons
- Lawrence W. Tyree Library
- Laptop Loan Program
- New Materials
- Research Tools
- Technology - Library
- About the Library
- Contact The Library Team
- Library Reservation Kiosk
- Little School
- Marketing & Communications
- newSFeed
- AFC Winter Social Brings Holiday Cheer to SF Employees
- Amended Legal Notice – Meeting 11/19/24 – Updated Location
- Annual Open Enrollment Underway at Santa Fe College
- Applications for SF High School Dual Enrollment Open Feb. 1 for Fall 2025
- Applications Open for Adopt-a-Family Holiday Assistance Until Dec. 2
- Aspiring Student Entrepreneurs Make Their Pitch
- Attention: Open Enrollment Has Begun at Santa Fe College
- Benefits Fair on Oct. 30 to Aid Santa Fe College Employees with Open Enrollment
- Blount Hall Hosts SF Employees for UF Homecoming Parade and Festivities
- Brain Bowl Ends Season, Prepares for January Nationals
- Central Utility Plant Outage Planned for Winter Break
- Changes in Financial Aid Status Being Addressed as Top Priority
- Colleague Do Something Special? Nominate Them for a High Five!
- College Senate Agenda for November 12, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for November 26, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for October 29, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for October 8, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for September 24, 2024
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Ann Thebaut – Enhancing Ethics Education
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. David Pfahler – Bridging Chemistry and the Outdoors
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Sarah Cervone – Enhancing Global Perspectives
- Departmental (S:\) Drives Migrating to SharePoint Document Libraries
- Don't Forget: Open Enrollment is Happening at Santa Fe College
- Don't Miss the Fall 2024 Surplus Sale at Santa Fe College Nov. 13-14
- Dr. Claudia Cornejo Happel to Lead Fall Faculty Symposium on Nov. 8
- Drop Off Toys for Tots Donations by Dec. 13
- Emerging Leaders Applications Now Open! Fall 2024
- Employees Enjoyed Best Seats on UF Homecoming Parade Route
- Executive Committee to Vote on Changes to LAS Curriculum Committee
- Experience the Magic of "Holiday at Santa Fe" on Dec. 7
- Experience UF Homecoming at the SF Chili and Soup Cook-Off on Oct. 18
- Explore Faculty Creativity at SF Gallery from Nov. 8 to Jan. 31
- Explore Learning Mindsets at the Student Affairs Symposium on Nov. 1
- Fall Commencement is Dec. 12 and 13
- Finalists for VP for Advancement to be on Campus
- Financial Aid Disbursements Underway at Santa Fe College
- First Gen Day at Santa Fe College Celebrates Resilience and Community
- Food Court Closing Early on Friday for Maintenance
- Former Dollar General CEO Shares Story, Life Lessons with SF Students
- Get Green for Halloween: Special Plant and Art Sale on Oct. 16
- Get Moving with "Run with the Cops" at Santa Fe College on Nov. 14
- Get Ready: Open Enrollment is Open at Santa Fe College
- Heads Up: It's Time for Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College
- Help Keep Our Community Safe: Prescription Drug Take Back Event, Oct. 24-27
- Help Santa Fe College Measure Campus Waste Nov. 19
- Horticulture Agriculture and Artist Sale on Nov. 20
- Hurricane Milton Expected to Impact Florida's West Coast Wednesday
- Hurricane Milton to Make Landfall Tonight
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 1-8
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 16-22
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 23-29
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 9-15
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 12-18
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 19-25
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 26-Nov. 1
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Sept. 28-Oct. 4
- Important Notice: Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College Is Underway
- Important Traffic Updates for SF Graduation
- Internal Job Openings Updated
- Last Chance for Open Enrollment: November 1 Deadline
- Learn About Blackthorn: First Workshop for New Events Platform on Dec. 4
- Legal Notice – Meeting 09/17/24
- Legal Notice – Meetings 09/17/24, 10/15/24, and 11/19/24
- Mark Your Calendars: Teri McClellan's Retirement Celebration
- Mental Health First Aid Training Rescheduled
- Milton Expected to Make Landfall as a Major Hurricane
- Milton Now a Major Hurricane, Landfall Expected Wednesday Evening
- New Park and Ride Location at Santa Fe College Enhances Gator Game Day Experience
- Nominate and Celebrate: Veterans Appreciation Awards Event Announced
- Nominations Open for Part-Time Faculty Excellence Award
- Notice of Amendment Rule 7.8
- Notice of Development Rule 4.2
- Notice of Rule Amendment: Rule 4.2
- Notice Of Rule Amendment
- Notice of Rule Development 7.28
- One Stop Planning Needs Student Input
- Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College is Currently Available
- Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College is Now in Effect
- Open Enrollment Deadline Approaches
- Open Enrollment is in Progress at Santa Fe College
- Open Enrollment is Now Open at Santa Fe College
- Power BI Training for Faculty and Staff on Jan. 21, 2025
- Prepare for Open Enrollment: Key Updates for Santa Fe College Employees
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund Now Open Until Dec. 2
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 6/24/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 7/9/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 8/14/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meetings 8/1/24, 8/6/24, and 8/8/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meetings Aug. 12, 2024
- Public Notice – Meetings 07/31/24, 08/05/24, and 08/07/24
- Reminder: Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College
- Saints Food Share Eases Student Hunger During the Holidays and Beyond
- Santa Fe and University of Limoges finalize cultural exchange partnership
- Santa Fe College Awarded Grant for College Knowledge Program
- Santa Fe College Awarded Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant
- Santa Fe College Celebrates Campus Sustainability Month on Oct. 16
- Santa Fe College Celebrates First Gen Day on Nov. 6
- Santa Fe College Celebrates Jazz Heritage with Nov. 15 Concert
- Santa Fe College Closed Nov. 11 for Veterans Day
- Santa Fe College Closed Nov. 27-30 for Thanksgiving
- Santa Fe College Closed Oct. 18 and 19
- Santa Fe College Hosts Career Fair for Job Seekers and Employers
- Santa Fe College Hosts Free Symposium for Justice-Impacted Individuals
- Santa Fe College Hosts Sigue Soñando on Oct. 24 at Blount Hall
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Potential Tropical Storm Nine
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Tropical Storm Milton
- Santa Fe College Launches Supply Drive to Support Hurricane Helene Relief
- Santa Fe College Launches Tree Canopy Assessment to Enhance Campus Sustainability
- Santa Fe College Offers Free Heart Health Screenings for All on October 25
- Santa Fe College Offers Professional Development Workshops for Fall 2024
- Santa Fe College OPEN Friday, October 11
- Santa Fe College plays role in storm recovery efforts
- Santa Fe College Releases Updated Salary Schedule
- Santa Fe College's Free "Winds & Classics" Concert Features Patriotic Hits
- Santa Fe College's High School Dual Enrollment Celebrates 50 Years
- Santa Fe College Secures Grant to Modernize Automotive Training Programs
- Santa Fe College Study Abroad 2025: Explore New Cultures, Expand Your Skills
- Santa Fe College to Host Fall 2024 Surplus Sale on Nov. 13-14
- Santa Fe College to Host Fall Invitational Tournament Following Successful Opener
- Santa Fe Saints Basketball Seasons Begin Nov. 1
- Save Big at $5 Fill-a-Bag Event on Nov. 20
- Save the Date: David Shlafer's Retirement Celebration
- November 2024 SF Academy of Science and Technology Newsletter
- December 2024 SF Academy of Science and Technology Newsletter
- SF Athletics This Week: Volleyball Team Send-Off and More
- SF Closed Oct. 9-10 – Employee Instructions Before Leaving Campus
- SF CLOSED October 9-10
- SF Dental Hygiene Students Showcase Research on Nov. 26
- SF Employees Invited to Enter for iMac Surplus Sale
- SF Foundation Notice of Public Meeting – August 22, 2024
- SF Foundation Notice of Public Meeting – December 5, 2024
- SF Foundation Scholarship Applications Due June 15
- SF Honors First-Generation Students and Graduates on Nov. 6
- SF Hosts Indoor Pickleball Challenge for Hurricane Relief
- SF Invites Students to Explore Wide-Ranging Healthcare Programs
- SF Marketing & Communications Earns Four NCMPR Medallion Awards
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Claim First Home Win of Season
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Fall to #9 FSCJ in Nonconference Match
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Fall to Palm Beach State on the Road
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Push Tallahassee State College, Lose 90-66
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Ready for Next Challenge After Florida Gateway Contest
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Secure Second Straight Victory
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Surge Past Mid Florida Academy
- SF Men's Basketball: Santa Fe Saints Look to Build on Season Opener Performances
- SF Men's Basketball: Second-Half Surge Lifts Saints to 76-64 Win
- SF Midweek Review: Career Fair, Food Share and More
- SF Midweek Review: Fall Commencement and More
- SF Midweek Review: Grants, Central Utility Plant Maintenance and More
- SF Midweek Review: Internal Job Postings, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: Student Affairs Symposium, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: UF Homecoming, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: Waste Audit, Surplus Sale and More
- SF Volleyball: Saints Aim for Comeback After Loss to Buccaneers
- SF Volleyball: Saints Battle Hard Against NJCAA's Best, Ready for Next Challenge
- SF Volleyball: Saints Celebrate Victories in Alabama and Face Tough Loss in Daytona
- SF Volleyball: Saints Face Tough Competition After Successful Vs. Cancer Match
- SF Volleyball: Saints on the Rise with Back-to-Back Sweeps
- SF Volleyball: Saints Secure Fifth Straight Win, Head into FCSAA Tournament
- SF Volleyball: Saints Triumph in Back-to-Back Five-Set Victories
- SF Volleyball: Santa Fe Saints Fall to Daytona State in FCSAA Tournament Quarterfinals
- SF Volleyball: Santa Fe Saints Set Sights on First Citrus Conference Victory
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Fall in Close Contest with FSCJ
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Overcome Tough Weekend, Win on Veterans Day
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Push No. 5 Gulf Coast to the Brink
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Secure Road Victory Against FSCJ
- SF Women’s Basketball: Saints Secure Victory Over Tallahassee State
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Split Opening Weekend with a Comeback Win
- Show Off Your Halloween Spirit at the Tyree Library Costume Contest
- Sigue Sonañdo Welcomes Large Crowd for Open House Event
- "Songs of the Season" Brings Holiday Cheer to Santa Fe College on Nov. 22
- Spread Halloween Cheer with the AFC Candygram Fundraiser
- Student Affairs Symposium and Awards Ceremony to Be Rescheduled
- Student arrested following anonymous gun tip; no threat found
- Submit Your Proposal for 2025 Professional Development Day
- Teri McClellan to Retire After Nearly 30 Years at Santa Fe College
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Boo at the Zoo, Young Dancer Showcase and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: First Gen Day, Saints Basketball and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: President's Coffee Chat, Sigue Soñando and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: "Songs of the Season" and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Thanksgiving, Table Clinics and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: The Student Affairs Symposium, "Winds & Classics" and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Veterans Day Closing, Concerts and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Women’s Basketball and “Holiday at Santa Fe”
- Tyree Library Offering Extended Hours for Finals Prep
- Upcoming SF College Recital to Feature Guitar Ensemble and Pop Arrangements
- UPDATE: Rescheduling of Public Notice from 08/05/24 to 08/12/24
- UPDATE: Rescheduling of Public Notice from 08/06/24 to 08/13/24
- Visiting Artists Doug Varone and Dancers to Perform in the Fine Arts Hall Nov. 1
- Volunteers Needed for Nov. 19 Waste Audit
- Volunteers Needed for Santa Fe College Waste Audit on November 19
- VP Advancement Search Committee Meeting – July 18-19, 2024
- Walls Lifted into Place at Cellon Institute on Northwest Campus
- Winds and Classics Concert Rescheduled for Oct. 17
- Workday Rollout Introduces Jobs Hub for Internal Postings
- Young Dancer Workshop and Related Performances are Nov. 1 and 2 in Fine Arts Hall
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- AASHE's Sustainability Resources Available to the SFC Community
- Carole Marquis Scholarship
- Checklist for Dealing with Domain and Email Change
- Discounted Student Bus Passes Available for Students
- Free Summer Living and Learning Workshops
- Saints ShareWare Open Wednesdays this Summer
- Summer Advising Council to Meet June 23
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- Fall Advising Council Meeting
- Heart Disease!
- SFC Hosts Professional Development Expo at the CIED Sept. 30
- Santa Fe College Hosting Cardiovascular Preview Sept. 22
- SFC's East Gainesville Initiative Hosts Annual Community Forum
- Surgical Technology Week
- Tie-Dye for Thailand
- Women of Distinction Award and Women of Promise Award
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- /news/2009/10/08/
- Boucher Recognized as a Top Nursing Professional
- Dodge Ball Tournament
- Happy Hour
- Health Sciences Day
- Public Notice of Upcoming Accreditation Review Visit by NLNAC - Announcement
- Saints Fastpitch Takes on Florida Gators Oct. 14 at 6 p.m.
- Santa Fe College Boots 'n BBQ Cook-off Super BBQ, Serious Prizes
- Santa Fe College's Enrollment Tops 17,000
- Learn About Santa Fe College at Santa Fe Showcase
- Student Life Summer Honor Roll 2009
- "Wild Things" Wildlife Art Exhibit
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- /news/2009/10/29/
- A Message from the SFC Nursing Programs Director
- Author Signing at Coffee 101 in the Library!
- Big Band Blowout
- Cardiovascular Technology Friday Educational Clinic Accepting Appointments for 2010
- Jazz in the Grove
- Madrigal Concert
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund
- Santa Fe College brings "The Nutcracker" to Starke for Encore
- Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Closed for Tours Friday and Saturday in Preparation for Boo at the Zoo
- Student Ambassador Requests
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- Bartley and the NJCAA # 17 Saints Host Indian River Nov. 20 at 6 p.m.
- Darwin Joins the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo!
- Harn Museum's Susan Cooksey to Discuss African Art on Campus Dec. 1
- "Meteors!" - New Planetarium Show Debut
- Visual Arts Faculty Show in the Santa Fe Gallery
- SF College Relations Wins a First Place at State FACC Awards
- SF Ambassadors Collecting Donations for SHANDS Streetlight Program
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- /news/2011/01/06/
- Continuing Education Classes for Spring 2011
- First 2011 Greedy Reader Meeting Set for Jan. 25
- Get Information on SF Study Abroad Trips, Jan. 11
- Ghana Study Abroad Meeting Jan. 12
- Guest Chef Randal White Coming to Santa Fe College Boots 'n BBQ Cook-Off
- Library Instruction Requests
- P Building Floor Tiles to be Replaced
- Provost Candidate Forums Scheduled for Jan. 11-18
- SLA Study Abroad Grant: Application Deadline Extended
- Social Security Tax Break for 2011
- Tyler's Inspiration
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- Engagement in Undergraduate Research, March 4-5
- King's Double Double Leads SF Past FSC-J, 62-57
- Mozilla Offering Free Online Classes
- Applications Accepted Now for PRO and PRAT Awards
- RUE Research and Creative Projects Festival
- Tholen Inducted into ABCA Hall of Fame
- Wiseman, Clyburn Lead Saints to Road Victory, 76-60
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- Bookstore/Coffee 101 Cleans Up for the March of Dimes
- Doty's Ninth Inning Homer Propels Saints to 5-4 Victory
- Food Court Patio Near Completion
- Kudos to Professors Fred Hart and Joe Daudelin!
- SF Faculty Honored by Athletics Department
- SF Student Leaders and Student Government Recognized in Tallahassee
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- /news/2011/04/01/
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- /news/2011/04/04/
- /news/2011/04/05/
- Announcements from the PC Shop
- Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation 5K Walk/Run, May 14
- Dan Rodkin Advocates for SF Students Regarding CHOICES
- Scholarship Opportunity: Edward K. Roberts Fund
- SF's EMS Program: Perfect Compliance and Pass Rate
- UPDATE: SF Watson Center to Reopen, Resume Classes at Noon
- Shipping Help Needed for Blankets, Toys, Clothing for Children in African Orphanage
- Today's Fastpitch Games Against Lake Sumter Postponed
- Update on Extension of Campus Wireless Service
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- /news/2011/04/07/
- /news/2011/04/08/
- /news/2011/04/09/
- /news/2011/04/11/
- American Cancer Society Relay for Life T-Shirt Names
- An Exciting Week at Santa Fe College
- Greedy Reader Book Club Meeting, April 26
- Prepare: Fire Safety Inspections Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15
- Relay for Life of Gainesville Information Fest, April 13 in the Oak Grove
- Saints Rout FSC-J 10-4, Clinch Berth in FCSAA State Tournament
- Santa Fe College Moving Newly Constructed Habitat House April 13
- Reserve a Study Room at the Library
- /news/2011/04/13/
- /news/2011/04/14/
- Chin Up!
- Gator Women's Football Clinic
- March of Dimes Silent Auction
- Senior Night 2011, April 14
- SF Delegation Traveled to Seattle for National Phi Theta Kappa Convention
- UF Sustainable Products Trade Show, April 19
- "University Student Launch" Initiative Seeks Faculty Advisor
- Web Design & Development: Open House, April 14
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- 4th Annual College Award Ceremony Honorees
- Altrusa Read-In - Thanks to All Our SF Volunteers!
- CHOICES Eligibility Criteria Changed to Accept Alachua County Citizens Studying at SF
- Lazar named All-State and All-MFC, 11 Others Named All-MFC
- Nine Baseball players Named to All-MFC Teams
- Want to Keep Up with Local Gardening Events and Happenings?
- Watch the Fastpitch State Tournament Live April 29 - May 1
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- Call For Photos for "Exposure.Focus."
- Copy Codes Required Starting July 18
- Fall SF Bus Routes
- Farm-to-Restaurant Workshop & Culinary Fair, Aug. 1
- Kudos to Dr. Dan Rodkin!
- Professor Naima Brown Travels in Jordan
- Saucy BBQ Documentary Set to Make Splash on the Big Screen, Aug. 4
- SF Alum Returns to Exhibit Photography
- "Urban Agriculture, the Comp Plan, and What You Should Know"
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- A Message from Patti Locascio
- College Night 2011 - Thank You!
- First Annual STEM Fest, Nov. 14-17
- Gallery Talk with Judy Rushin, Today
- Make a Difference for Wildlife this Halloween!
- Santa Fe Showcase for Eighth Graders, Oct. 13
- Steve DeCubellis' Retirement Celebration
- Time to Order Your Graduation Regalia
- /news/2011/10/13/
- /news/2011/10/14/
- Call for Items for Student Life's Spring Calendar
- Claudio-Rivera Set to Participate in Pan Am Games for Puerto Rico
- Passings: SF Student Jared Shilling
- Respiratory Care Breakfast, Oct. 15
- SF Students Awarded "Outstanding Delegate" at Model UN Conference
- Theatre Santa Fe Presents "Laundry and Bourbon" and "Lone Star," Oct. 12-15
- /news/2011/10/17/
- Health Career Opportunities, Nov. 2
- FORUM: Healthcare Career Opportunities for African American Men, Oct. 18
- Make a difference for wildlife this Halloween
- Professor Rodney Brown Choreographs for Dayton Contemporary Dance Company
- SF Fastpitch Player in Pan American Games
- Trashformations Recycled Art Competition
- /news/2011/10/18/
- /news/2011/10/19/
- "A Family Needs a Home in Which to Live and Prosper"
- Graphic Design Opportunities, Oct. 20
- Homecoming 2011 Talent Night, 7 p.m.
- Honors Program Recruitment for Spring 2012
- Professional Development Scholarship Deadline
- Professor Naima Brown to Receive Faculty Award, Oct. 20
- SF Professor in the Running to Snap Up State Teacher of the Year Award
- Spotlight on Chamber Music, Nov. 22
- Ugandan Doctor to Speak at Santa Fe College on Eye Care Issues in Africa
- "Winds & Classics" Concert, Oct. 20
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- /news/2011/10/26/
- /news/2011/10/27/
- Found An Item? Please Take it to the Police Department, Pronto
- Horror Film Making Class
- Performance Based on Wrongly-Convicted Death Row Inmates' Stories Comes to Campus Nov. 8
- Stellar Madrigals Concert, Nov. 21
- Student Ambassadors of a Different Sort
- Teaching Zoo Needs Candy Donations for Boo at the Zoo
- Theatre Students From Across the Southeast Converge at SF for the 55th Annual Florida Theatre Conference Festival, Oct. 27-29
- /news/2011/10/28/
- Baseball and Fastpitch at Home October 29 and 30
- Claudio Rivera Shines on National Stage at Pan Am Games
- Claudio-Rivera Shines on the National Stage at Pan Am Games
- SF Brain Bowl, Nov. 21
- Leadership Seminar Series, Nov. 2
- Relay for Life Zumba Party, Dec. 10
- Renewals Required Annually for United Way Donations
- Respiratory Care Application Deadline
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- /news/2011/11/01/
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- /news/2011/11/30/
- Edwards and Couch Lead Saints Past Brevard, 71-60
- Faculty Exchange with Beijing Union University
- Florida's Minimum Wage Increasing to $7.67
- Information Session: NEW Plant Science Major at UF
- International Taste Fest for Haiti, Dec. 10
- Men's Basketball Florida College Shootout December 10 and 11
- New BookScan Machine at the Library
- SF Bookstore Selling NOOK Products
- Southern Regional Model UN Conference
- Toxicologist Bruce Goldberger to Speak at Santa Fe, Dec. 7
- Transitions: Charles Schultz Retiring From ITE
- Winter Break Food Basket Drive for Local Schoolkids
- Women's Florida College Shootout December 2 and 3
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- /news/2011/12/03/
- /news/2011/12/05/
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- /news/2012/01/12/
- 2012 Hall of Fame Applications Now Being Accepted
- Balanced Attack Leads Saints Past Daytona, 88-69
- Baseball #12 in Collegiate Baseball Newspaper Pre-Season Poll
- Update: Missing Person
- Saints Struggle Offensively in Loss to Daytona, 44-40
- What You Need to Know to Vote in the Jan. 31 Election
- "YouTube for Business" Offered at the CIED, Jan. 26
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- /news/2012/01/14/
- /news/2012/01/15/
- /news/2012/01/17/
- /news/2012/01/18/
- /news/2012/01/19/
- /news/2012/01/20/
- /news/2012/01/23/
- Faculty Music Recital Tonight
- Gainesville City Commission Candidates Debate on Campus Today
- Grants Available from the International Education Office
- Hillsborough Hands Santa Fe 65-54 Loss
- Quick Hits for the week of Jan. 30 - What's Coming Up at Santa Fe
- Williams and the Saints Rout St. John's River, 103-75
- /news/2012/01/24/
- /news/2012/01/25/
- ANGEL Party
- Become an Adviser
- CCF Sends Saints to Fourth Straight Loss, 54-52
- Do You Sing? Dance? Step? Rap? Show Your Stuff Today!
- Early Voting Ends Saturday
- Guest Lecturer: UF Law Professor Dr. Winston Nagan, Jan. 26
- Harden and the Saints Edge Central Florida, 68-64
- "YouTube for Business" Offered at the CIED Today
- Zumba Fundraiser
- /news/2012/01/26/
- /news/2012/01/27/
- Ambassadors Collect Food
- C-SPAN Bus at Black History Month Kickoff
- Construction Information Session Tuesday, Feb. 7
- Fastpitch Opens Season at JuCo Kickoff Classic on January 28
- Health Tip Jan. 30
- Job Talk Radio
- Today is National Wear Red Day
- Textbook Affordability Survey for Faculty and Administrators
- Two SF Students Chosen Nationwide
- Voting News
- /news/2012/01/29/
- /news/2012/01/30/
- /news/2012/01/31/
- /news/2012/02/01/
- A Message from the President: Students Involved in Recent Tragedy and Announcement of Vice President for Student Affairs
- Alachua County Releases Annual Report
- CIED Offers Classes on Grant Writing
- Country Rockers! Bradford Fest Talent Showdown Needs You!
- News from SF's International Education Office
- SF Amateur Talent Night Launches Black History Month on Campus
- Simpson Stifles Polk State, Saints Blast Four HR in 10-1 Victory
- Cardiovascular Technology Educational Clinic Accepting Appointments
- Sustainability Summit at UF
- Using Skype in Cross-Cultural Exchanges
- /news/2012/02/02/
- Carter and the Saints Nail 15 Threes in 83-58 Win Over IMG
- CVT Studies Begin Today
- Holmes and the Saints Improve to 20-3 with Win Over FSC-J, 52-46
- Inneractive: Digital Media Faculty Show
- Saints Fall in the Final Minute to FSC-J, 77-72
- Saints Fall in the Final Minute to FSC-J, 77-72
- Santa Fe College in the News
- SF Baseball Season in Full Swing
- Sylvia Reddish: Lifelong Love Affair with Bradford County
- The New York Times Honors Democracy Commitment
- Want to publicize your program, organization or event to students?
- Monday Zumba
- /news/2012/02/03/
- Career Fair at Davis Center Today
- Free Printer Supplies
- Fulbright Scholar Program is Now Open; Webinar Offered Feb. 29
- Miller and the Saints Take Two From Hillsborough CC
- Financial Support Opportunities for Santa Fe Achievements
- Outdoor Concert Raises Awareness for Local Charity
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Program
- /news/2012/02/04/
- /news/2012/02/06/
- /news/2012/02/07/
- #1 Tallahassee Sweeps Santa Fe Fastpitch, 3-2 and 5-1
- Food for Your Soul
- "I Rest in the Grace of the World and Am Free"
- "Like" SF's AFC Chapter on Facebook
- Outcrop of Honor at UF
- Pardo Pitches Saints to 6-3 Victory Over Hillsborough CC
- Save the Date - Feb. 17
- Senate Constitution Change
- Submit Senate Agenda Items
- Webinar Today, 2 p.m.
- /news/2012/02/08/
- Annual SF Inventory Announcement
- Citizen Scientists Needed for "FrogWatch" Training, Feb. 11
- Dr. Portia Taylor Leaves Santa Fe College After 35 Years of Service
- Harden Goes for 27 as Saints Run Past St. John's 82-69
- Saints Hold On Against Polk State, 6-5
- Skate Station Night Feb. 9
- Transfer Day - Today in R-01
- Women's Basketball falls Just Short Against Hillsborough, 50-47
- Yarbrough and Ramos Honored by FCSAA; Baseball Jumps to #1
- /news/2012/02/09/
- /news/2012/02/10/
- Advisor Needed for Alternative Spring Break Trip
- Annual Inventory Process; Due Date March 31
- Biking = Wellness
- Black History Month Educational Tour, Feb. 24
- Graduate Degree Information Session Today
- President's Hall Art Exhibit
- Quick Hits for Feb. 13
- Senate Agenda
- SF Sports Summary
- Yarbrough Continues Scoreless Streak As Saints Shutout Indian River 8-0
- /news/2012/02/11/
- /news/2012/02/12/
- /news/2012/02/13/
- Doty, Simpson Lead #1 Saints Past St. Pete, 9-3
- Jazz Clinic - 3:30 p.m. in E-Auditorium
- Nominate a Professor of the Year
- "Perspectives on Cuba" - International Lecture Series
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 13
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 20
- SF Brain Bowl Team Wins 3rd at Regionals
- SF Saints Athletics
- Student Ambassador Program Open for Applicants
- Student Government Election Results
- Date Night - Tonight!
- Volunteers Needed for FAH Event
- /news/2012/02/14/
- /news/2012/02/15/
- AFC News Briefs
- Baseball Defeats Hillsborough 3-1; Yarbrough Improves to 4-0
- Daytona Hangs on Against Santa Fe, 44-42
- Early Voting Begins Monday for Gainesville Run-Off
- "Just for Juniors" at Santa Fe College Feb. 21
- Roberts Buzzer Beater Lifts Saints Over Daytona 74-73
- SBA Celebrates "Topping Out" with BBQ Party
- UF Hosts Engineering Fair
- /news/2012/02/16/
- /news/2012/02/17/
- /news/2012/02/20/
- Be On the Look Out
- BHM Pathways to Freedom Exhibit
- Call for Applications for UF Prairie Project
- Celebrating Career and Technical Education Month
- Child Soldiers, Children Accused of Witchcraft and Street Children, by Haydee Britton
- College Senate Info
- Edwards and Coney Lead Saints Past FSC-J in Final Home Game
- Harden's Double Double Leads Saints Past FSC-J, 83-74
- It's Your Democracy
- Know B4 U Go Event
- Leadership Conference
- Pardo and the Saints Split Double Header with Indian River
- Saints Struggle in 5-4 Loss to Pasco-Hernando
- /news/2012/02/21/
- 2nd Annual Santa Fe College 48 Hour Film Competition, Feb. 24-26
- A Message from the President
- Dance Theatre of Santa Fe Presents Elements of Style, Feb. 24 and 25
- League for Innovation Announces Call for Proposals
- Model UN Team Earns Honorable Mention
- Santa Fe College Offers Convenient New Path to BSN
- Santa Fe's Respiratory Care Program Lends Support to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- State College of Florida Takes Two from Santa Fe, 1-0 and 3-1
- Student Chats with the President
- Surgical Technology Open House
- /news/2012/02/22/
- Award Application Deadline Approaching
- Business Career Preparation: Retail Marketing & Management Programs at UF
- Campus Watch!
- Holmes Named FCSAA Player of the Week - Feb. 13-19
- Jenna Stafford: Expressing Love and Acceptance
- Kennedy and the Saints Win in Extras Against St. Pete, 6-4
- Men's Basketball Jumps to #12 in the NJCAA Poll
- Musical Entertainment
- Provost Awards
- Student Ambassador Program Seeks Applicants
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- /news/2012/02/24/
- /news/2012/02/25/
- /news/2012/02/26/
- /news/2012/02/27/
- A Report from the Annual Florida Collegiate Honors Council Conference
- Acclaimed Cuban-American artist at SF
- Call for Applications for UF Prairie Project
- Coney Goes for 20 as Saints Defeat Hillsborough 64-53
- Explore Healthcare Career Opportunities for African-American Men
- Lincoln, the Constitution, and the Civil War
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 27
- The Economics of Happiness
- Upcoming Webinars
- /news/2012/02/28/
- Webinar offered During Spring Break
- Asian Heritage Month Posters Up Through Friday
- Baseball Drops 6-5 Decision to Pasco Hernando
- Campus Yard Sale Needs Sellers
- Healthcare Opportunities for African-American Men
- Leadership Institute Seminar
- Saints Athletics Weekly Wrap-up
- SF Social Media Users Group: TODAY
- Surgical Technology Program Application Deadline
- /news/2012/02/29/
- Call for Judges
- Dr. Paul Hutchins Announced as New President of SCC
- Faces, Voices and Hearts: The Haiti Project
- "IN TEN" Festival, April 21
- Safe Spring Break
- Santa Fe College Holds "Safe Spring Break" Event, March 1
- UF College of Education Recruitment and Information Session
- UF Study Abroad Opportunities for Business Students
- Unplug and Be Safe
- /news/2012/03/01/
- Career Services Special Meeting: March 13
- DeeJay Hellrung: Champion for Children
- Fastpitch Hosts Hillsborough Friday, Polk State Saturday
- Free Dental X-rays
- Jazz Up Spring Today
- Room to Dance, June 1
- RUE Spring Festival Applications
- Santa Fe in the News
- March for Babies
- Spring is for Singing, April 26
- Upcoming Art Shows
- /news/2012/03/02/
- /news/2012/03/03/
- /news/2012/03/05/
- /news/2012/03/06/
- /news/2012/03/07/
- /news/2012/03/08/
- /news/2012/03/10/
- /news/2012/03/12/
- Alena King Lawson: Dedicated Public Servant
- Baseball Ends Two Game Skid, Pounds Lake Sumter 17-3
- Bennye Alligood: "Santa Fe is My Life"
- Did You Know?
- Film Competition Screening and Awards
- Here's what’s Happening Today. . .
- Saints Fastpitch Host Daytona State Today
- Santa Fe College Dedicating 'Freedom Eagle' Sculpture to Veterans
- Save the Date!
- SF's Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Receives Awards
- Spotlight on Chamber Music
- Spring Fling
- Spring Fling
- UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Advising
- Linda McGurn: Award-Winning Redeveloper
- "Women of Distinction" Tickets
- /news/2012/03/13/
- /news/2012/03/14/
- 2012 Women of Distinction and Woman of Promise
- AFC News
- Book Donations Needed
- Club Advisor Needed
- Guide to Campus Memorials Updated
- Here's What’s Happening Today
- Hollywood Comes to Santa Fe
- Humanities Study Trip: Salvador Dali and the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts
- In early talks, city commissioners back current property tax revenues
- International Speakers Series Update
- Mary Wise: 'Winningest' Coach at the University of Florida
- Santa Fe Celebrates 25 Years of Honoring Women of Distinction, March 15
- SF Spring Arts Festival
- Spring Community Ed
- The Global Dish
- Fight the Fight
- /news/2012/03/15/
- BBQ Lunch to Benefit The Arc
- Call for Career & Technical Student Scholarship Nominations
- Food Drive in Progress
- Larson and the Saints Pull Out 4-3 Victory Over Lake Sumter
- Mentors Needed
- Ronald McDonald House Cookie Baking: March 31
- Saints Athletics
- Santa Fe College Honors Local Women of Distinction, March 15
- Santa Fe College Spring Arts Festival: Art & Jazz, Green & Blues
- Seminar on Addiction and Eating Disorders
- Update on FRS Legal Action
- Volunteers Needed for Hands on Santa Fe: March 23
- /news/2012/03/16/
- /news/2012/03/19/
- CLAS Info Session: 35 Majors in Two Hours
- Ashleigh Bennett Named 2012 Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Silver Scholar
- Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Female Entrepreneurs in the Community
- Coney Named All State, Six Other Saints All-Conference
- Holton Homers Twice, Paces Saints to Sweep of Georgia Military 5-2 and 6-1
- Keeping in Touch
- Leadership Seminar
- MOD Bake Sale
- Next in SF's International Lecture Series
- Saints Walk Off Against St. John's on Kennedy Blast
- Santa Fe College 2012 Spring Arts Festival Poster to be Unveiled
- High School Seniors Invited to 'Senior Night'
- SF Model UN Participates in World Conference
- Webinar Today
- WUFT Reports on Women of Distinction
- /news/2012/03/20/
- /news/2012/03/21/
- Advising Council Meeting
- Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause: Saturday
- COLON CANCER: Should you be concerned?
- Health IT Roundtable at Santa Fe College March 23
- Party for the Planet
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: March 12-18
- SF Networking Program Certified by NSA
- Spring Honors Celebration
- Study Abroad Program Proposals for 2013 Due Friday
- Teaching Zoo Celebrates Opening of New Play Area
- Fire Safety Inspections Continue Today
- /news/2012/03/22/
- 2nd Annual Florida Statewide Undergraduate Research Symposium
- American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Gainesville
- Parks Survey for Gainesville Residents
- Easter Egg Moon 2012
- Don't forget to Pick Up Your Dinner!
- Laptop Demo Sale
- Miller and the Saints Split Double Header with FSC-J
- Santa Fe in the News
- STAR Recognition Nominations
- Volunteer for Babies
- Webinar Today
- /news/2012/03/23/
- /news/2012/03/24/
- /news/2012/03/26/
- An Invitation to Tuesday's Advising Council Meeting
- Baseball Cruises Past Seminole 8-2, Move into MFC First Place Tie
- Call for College Senate Agenda Items
- Fastpitch Sweeps Past Mount Mercy University 3-2 and 4-2
- Quick Hits for the Week of March 26
- Ramos Drives in Three, Leads Baseball Past Seminole 10-4
- RUE Application Deadline Today
- Safety Orientation
- Ukrainians tour SF College's police academy
- Women In Healthcare Panel
- /news/2012/03/27/
- Blood Sugar Screening Today
- Blount Center Downtown Block Party
- Calendar Correction
- Kana Handel's Spring Arts Festival Poster Image Features Paynes Prairie
- Marchu and the Saints Move into First Place with Sweep of CF
- Need Publicity?
- Reminder: QEP Early Alert System Survey
- Sharewear Open Today
- Solar Energy & Efficiency Expo
- Spring Arts Festival Poster Unveiling
- Global Roundtable Conversation About Justice
- Young Entrepreneurs Club at the CIED
- /news/2012/03/28/
- /news/2012/03/29/
- Campus Tours
- DTSF Production of Hour Time
- Earth~Wind~Fire~Water Summer Camp
- Legal Notice
- Message from the College Senate
- Relay for Life Fundraisers
- Respiratory Care Open House
- SF College Implements New Campus Watch Program
- Sharewear Open Saturday: March 31
- Spotlight on Creativity
- The Democracy Commitment
- Viva Europe!
- Watch Saints Sports Live
- Zumba for D'Aisha: March 31
- /news/2012/03/30/
- Fulbright Scholar Awards 2013-14
- Free Lunch at Subway
- Last Day for Personal Health Risk Assessment
- Hanging Out
- Saints Fastpitch Sweep SJRSC, Tighten Grip on First Place
- Saints Fastpitch Sweep SJRSC, Tighten Grip on First Place
- Summer Financial Aid
- Thirteen Former Saints Enshrined at March 24 Hall of Fame Ceremony
- /news/2012/04/01/
- /news/2012/04/02/
- FAFSA Assistance for Students
- Learn How to "Fight Slime Crime"
- Quick Hits for the Week of April 2
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: April 2-6
- Saints Roll Past Seminole 11-6, Denmark Knocks in Six
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: March 26 - April 1
- Services for Pat Whaley
- Songwriting Workshop at SF
- Spring Leadership Seminar Series
- Wheelchair Basketball Exhibition
- /news/2012/04/03/
- /news/2012/04/04/
- Access Local Government: Alachua County
- AFC News
- Fastpitch Splits with Daytona
- Forest Resources & Conservation Degrees Information Session
- Saints Eleven Game Win Streak Snapped by Lake Sumter 7-3
- SF Monthly
- Student Life Art Gallery Opening Mixer - Photography Exhibit
- The Big Open Lab (BOL) is transitioning into a full-time testing facility
- /news/2012/04/05/
- /news/2012/04/06/
- /news/2012/04/08/
- /news/2012/04/09/
- /news/2012/04/10/
- AFC News - It's Not to Late!
- Fastpitch Takes Two From Lake Sumter 4-1 and 8-2
- Pell Grant Lifetime Maximum Set to 600%
- Planetarium Shows
- Retirement Strategies for Women: April 17
- SF Ecuador Study Abroad
- SF Spring Arts Festival Saturday and Sunday
- STEM Day Institute
- Transitions: Dr. Paul Hutchins
- Volunteers Needed for Spring Arts
- Wiseman Inks with NAIA II National Champions Oregon Tech
- /news/2012/04/11/
- /news/2012/04/12/
- /news/2012/04/13/
- /news/2012/04/14/
- /news/2012/04/15/
- /news/2012/04/16/
- Claudio, Holton Lead Saints to Sweep Of Central Florida 3-2 and 9-2
- Coney and Edwards Sign with NCAA Schools
- Markey Stifles St. John's, Saints Clinch Spot in FCSAA State Tournament
- Mazzurco and Greenwell Power Saints Past Seminole 8-
- National Day of Silence
- 'Party for the Planet' Draws Hundreds to Santa Fe Zoo
- /news/2012/04/17/
- /news/2012/04/18/
- Welcome to the NEW Daily
- Baseball Moves Closer to MFC Title with 8-3 Win Over Lake Sumter
- Chancellor Rod Duckworth Visits Santa Fe
- Fastpitch State Tournament Information
- IN TEN 10-Minute Play Festival Features Student Works
- Mile A Day Kickoff Rescheduled for April 25
- SF Fine Arts Hall Receives Beautification Award
- The Democracy Commitment @ Santa Fe
- Webinar Discusses How Digital Technology Impacts Higher Ed
- /news/2012/04/19/
- /news/2012/04/20/
- 5th Avenue Arts; April 21 and 22
- Annual Santa Fe Festival Draws Crowd of Local Art-lovers
- Baseball Defeats Central Florida 6-3 to Claim Fourth Straight MFC Crown
- Faculty Grant to Develop Study Abroad Program
- Retirement Gathering for Betty Reaves; April 27
- Santa Fe College One of Ten Schools Nationally Selected for NEH-Funded Program
- Santa Fe Offers New "Sleep Studies" Certificate Program
- SF Club Competing In NASA Student Rocket Launch
- Summer Classes Offered at UF's Seahorse Key Marine Lab
- /news/2012/04/22/
- /news/2012/04/23/
- /news/2012/04/24/
- SF Relay for Life Raises $7,750 in the Fight Against Cancer
- A Message from the President
- Claudio Leads Group of Eight Saints Honored by MFC
- Summer Flex Program Begins May 7
- Get Your "Grüv" On
- Krista Froiseth Named Office Supervisor
- Retirement Planning Made Easy
- SF College Boots 'n BBQ; May 18-19
- Sing Into Spring; April 26
- /news/2012/04/25/
- College For Kids Registration Open
- Media Relations Has a New Face
- Digital Media Technology Student Showcase: May 3
- Fitness Center Hours April 30 – May 11
- More Transitions
- Reactions to Dr. Naima Brown's Appointment to Student Affairs
- The Ice House Program Redefines Entrepreneurship Education
- Transitions: Dr. Naima Brown
- /news/2012/04/26/
- /news/2012/04/27/
- /news/2012/04/28/
- /news/2012/04/29/
- /news/2012/04/30/
- Career Service Carnival: May 10
- Santa Fe Celebrates Dedicated Faculty
- Did You Miss the Democracy Commitment Forum?
- Kanapaha Gardens Offers SF Student Discount
- Mayhill and the Saints Defeat Seminole 7-5
- Michelle Houdek: Outstanding Volunteer
- Saints Run Comes to an End at FCSAA State Tournament
- Southern rock music + hot fresh BBQ = Florida's most fun weekend!
- This Week's Graduation Ceremonies
- /news/2012/05/01/
- /news/2012/05/02/
- /news/2012/05/03/
- /news/2012/05/04/
- /news/2012/05/05/
- /news/2012/05/06/
- /news/2012/05/07/
- /news/2012/05/08/
- /news/2012/05/09/
- /news/2012/05/10/
- /news/2012/05/11/
- /news/2012/05/14/
- /news/2012/05/15/
- /news/2012/05/17/
- /news/2012/05/21/
- /news/2012/05/22/
- /news/2012/05/23/
- /news/2012/05/24/
- /news/2012/05/29/
- /news/2012/05/30/
- /news/2012/06/01/
- /news/2012/06/04/
- /news/2012/06/05/
- /news/2012/06/07/
- /news/2012/06/08/
- /news/2012/06/11/
- /news/2012/06/12/
- /news/2012/06/14/
- /news/2012/06/19/
- Highlights from the 2012-13 Budget Meeting
- Celebrate Betsy Albury's Retirement June 27
- Dual Enrollment Program Immerses High School Students in the College Experience
- Lost and Found on Campus
- Political Candidate's Forum Today
- Santa Fe College Honored For Supporting Public Education
- Santa Fe College Places 16th in NASA Competition; Presentation Tooday
- /news/2012/06/20/
- /news/2012/06/21/
- 2012-13 Budget Approved by Board
- Highlights from the BCC County Candidate Debate Tuesday at SF
- Advising Council Meeting Today; Agenda Included
- Brown Signs with NCAA Division II Barton College
- Fine Arts Hall Booked for 2012-13
- Mayhill Inks with Thomas University
- The Countdown is on - AFC News
- Up, Up and Away: Santa Fe Rocket Team Soars
- /news/2012/06/26/
- /news/2012/06/27/
- /news/2012/06/28/
- Djekovic Inks with Palm Beach Atlantic University
- Honors Profile: Ann Laffey
- National Achievers Program at Santa Fe College Collaborates on STEM Forum
- Saints Baseball Players Make it to the Big League
- SF Theater Student Stars in Insomniac Production
- Volunteer Opportunities Through the Office of Civic Engagement and Service
- Volunteers Needed for March for Babies
- AVP for Academic Affairs Candidate Presentations Continue Today and Friday
- /news/2012/07/02/
- /news/2012/07/03/
- First Bachelor's Degree Graduation Held for Early Childhood Education
- Heath Risk Assessment Reward Card Available
- July 10 Webinar: Integrity in Online Assessment
- What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?
- Musical Me Theater Presents Seussical Jr.
- Planting the Seeds for the Future
- Please Send College Senate Agenda Items to David Price
- Relax, Relate, Renew
- Respiratory Care Graduating Class 2012
- /news/2012/07/05/
- /news/2012/07/06/
- /news/2012/07/07/
- /news/2012/07/10/
- /news/2012/07/12/
- /news/2012/07/13/
- /news/2012/07/17/
- AFC Brown Bag Meeting Today
- Attention Fulbright Scholar Applicants
- College Travel Guide Updated
- Help Plan Upcoming AFC Events
- Home Dedication for the Santa Fe II; July 19
- Santa Fe College Welcomes New Police Officers
- Star Gazers This Week
- Santa Fe College Celebrates National Zoo Keeper Week; July 15-21
- /news/2012/07/18/
- /news/2012/07/19/
- Reminder: College-wide Meeting at 2:30 p.m. Today
- College for Kids a Success at Andrews Center
- Dr. Steve Bingham Sends a Message from Music Conference in Greece
- Dunked for a Good Cause
- La Fortuna Closed for Remainder of the Summer
- Local Family Has a New Place to Call Home
- Want something yummy delivered to your office this Tuesday?
- What do Santa Fe Faculty do During the Summer?
- /news/2012/07/23/
- /news/2012/07/24/
- /news/2012/07/26/
- /news/2012/07/30/
- /news/2012/07/31/
- /news/2012/08/01/
- /news/2012/08/02/