AFC Mega Membership Madness Campaign
May 23, 2013
Get in the game and become a new member of AFC during the Mega Membership Madness Campaign!
Why join? What can AFC do for you?
- Showcase who you are: AFC currently has 17 commissions that give higher education professionals a platform to enhance their professional skills. AFC affords members the opportunity to get an idea off the fence that one may have been contemplating for some time.
- Meet amazing people: You will meet and work with smart, passionate and extremely talented higher education professionals from across the state of Florida. As you work collaboratively with diverse populations, you will gather insights, perspectives and new ideas from your peers. It will be like rocket fuel for your professional network!
Current AFC members, aka recruiters! Do you enjoy a little friendly competition? Do you love fabulous prizes? If so, join the fun!
There are two ways to recruit new members:
- Through casual conversation - just ask a colleague if they are a member of SF's AFC chapter.
- Log into your member account at and check out the SF Connection that identifies current members. (From the AFC homepage, click member services, then online directory, then advanced search. For the criteria, select college name and type Santa Fe College. All SF AFC members will appear based on your search.)
The first 10 current AFC members to recruit three or more new members will receive a door prize, as well as the first 20 new members.
New members can recruit as well! Any member, new or current, who recruits a new member will be eligible to win a grand prize.
New recruits must list their recruiter's name on their AFC application so that both individuals receive a prize (if eligible). Click here for the membership application, which must be submitted to Lola Christian in Human Resources.
This campaign ends on Monday, July 1.
For more information, please contact Lynn Speer at 352-395-4463 or, or Lola Christian at 352-395-5186 or