College for Kids New Student Orientation Saturday, June 24

June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017 - Santa Fe College will host orientation Saturday, June 24, for new students attending the College for Kids' (CFK) summer camp. Orientation begins at 10 a.m. in Building E Auditorium. Attendance is not mandatory but definitely recommended!
This will be a chance for first-time campers and parents to meet fellow campers, coordinators and staff and have your questions answered. CFK procedures and rules will be discussed and campers can also pick up their three camp t-shirts.
If you are unable to attend orientation, you may pick up your child's t-shirts from June 26 to June 28 in HA-123 between the hours of 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., or on the first day of camp.
If you have not already mailed in your student's Emergency Contact Information form, and Student Code of Conduct Rules Acceptance Form that came with the Student Handbook, you may bring it to the orientation.

For additional information, please contact Melissa Graham at 352-395-4124.