SFC's East Gainesville Initiative Hosts Annual Community Forum
September 22, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The annual community meeting for SFC's East Gainesville Initiative and the college's outreach initiatives is 6-7:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24, at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 2505 NE 8th Ave.
Representatives from the program will provide information on activities for the past year, goals for the upcoming year, and answer questions from those who attend. They will also thank their community partners and share a few testimonials from community residents and agencies.
The college's East Gainesville Initiative has focused on partnerships with community and faith-based organizations in the area and educational outreach programs, including summer camps, for the area's youth.
For more information, please contact Dr. Karen Cole-Smith at 352-395-5767.
- Karen Cole-Smith, 352-395-5767 or karen.cole-smith@sfcollege.edu
- Julie Garrett, for help facilitating your story, 352-870-2924 (cell) or 352-395-5430 (office) or julie.garrett@sfcollege.edu