"Where In the World?"
November 13, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Santa Fe will celebrate Geography Awareness Week, Nov. 16-20, with an informational display at the Library featuring course offerings, Study Abroad opportunities, and examples of classes and field work.
Daily Geography Quiz with Prizes
In addition, Geography faculty are giving away an atlas each day for the student who scores the highest that day on the geography quiz. The quiz can be picked up daily at the display, which will be in the lobby of the Library, or at Coffee 101, or in Geography classes. A quiz drop box is stationed at the display. In the event of a tie, Myra Sterrett, Library Director, will draw a single winner.
U.S. President Ronald Reagan signed legislation in 1987 establishing the third week in November as Geography Awareness Week to promote geographic education. Geography Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Geographic Society and other geographic organizations at the national, state, and local level.