350 at Santa Fe
October 20, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The Saints for Sustainability, a student organization, is sponsoring a 350 Day event on campus on Thursday, Oct. 22 from noon-2 p.m. in the Oak Grove. 350 is a worldwide event celebrated Oct. 24 to raise awareness about the safe upper limit of CO2 in our planet's atmosphere before climate talks in Copenhagen in December. (Learn more at www.350.org.)
Since SF is virtually empty on Saturday, our students have chosen to celebrate 350 on Thursday by biking around campus, forming the digits 3-5-0 in the Oak Grove, asking students to write and paint on a plywood 350, and passing out info about sustainable lifestyles.
Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan will speak in the Oak Grove at noon regarding what Gainesville has done to cut its emissions and where Gainesville is in relation to Kyoto Protocol goals.
They welcome the involvement of other groups or professors who want to send their students to the event. Email Erin Rauch, President, Saints for Sustainability, at evrauch83@gmail.com for more information.
Event flyer –