A Message from President Sasser on Hurricane Harvey Relief
August 31, 2017
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
August 31, 2017 - Santa Fe College President Jackson N. Sasser released the following message concerning relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Dear Santa Fe Family:
Dr. Dennis Brown, President of Lee College, my former college in Texas, informed me yesterday that what is needed most by students and employees in the wake of Hurricane Harvey is money. If you are looking for a way to contribute to hurricane relief efforts, I ask you to consider making a donation to the students and employees of this great college. The college will distribute the funds based on need and they will be distributed equitably.
This is a devastating event for the entire Houston area and it will take years to recover. Layne and I always want to do our part in tragedies like this one, but we also want to make sure that the funds go directly to the victims and are not used for administrative fees. Please inform your friends that the ethic of Lee College is like ours. The assistance will go directly to the students and Lee College employees.
Please make your checks payable to the Santa Fe College Foundation or give online at http://sfcollegefoundation.org/ by noon next Wednesday, September 6. Designate your contribution to the Lee College Hurricane Relief Fund. Our Foundation will bundle our contributions and send one check to them.
Thank you.