Calendar of events Apr. 21-26
April 18, 2014
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Monday, April 21
College for Kids Summer Camp Registration
Community Ed Registration For Spring
Santa Fe Gamers
2 p.m. in S326/327.
Polished Professionals Club Meeting
2 p.m. in S-221.
Global Society Meeting
3:30 p.m. in M-137.
Pledge 5 Saints Meeting
1 p.m. in S-149.
Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) Meeting
1 p.m. in S-316.
ISCA Weekly Meeting
3 p.m. in S-316.
College Republicans Meeting
1 p.m. in K-234.
Circle K International Club Meeting
1 p.m. in S-317.
UF Air Force ROTC @ SF Walk-In Advising
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the UF@SF Center, HA132.
Call of Duty Ghost Tournament
3 p.m. in S-029.
Men's Baseball vs. Florida State College @ Jacksonville 3 p.m.
SHPE General Board Meeting
3:30 p.m. in S-317.
Engineering Club Breakfast Fundraiser
8 a.m. in the S-breezeway.
Tuesday, April 22
11 a.m. in the Oak Grove.
Nursing Student Organization General Meeting
Noon in WA-104.
Earth Day
10 a.m. in the Oak Grove.
Society for Nerds Club Meeting
3:30 p.m. in S-317.
SG IT Committee Meeting
1 p.m. in S-149.
UF College of Business Walk-In Advising Session
1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the UF@Santa Fe Center (HA132).
League of Legends Tournament
3 p.m. in Building N lab.
D.R.E.A.M Club Meeting
4 p.m. in S-316.
Engineering Club Breakfast Fundraiser
8 a.m. in the S-breezeway.
HIV Testing
10 a.m. in S-328.
Earth Day
10 a.m. in the Oak Grove.
Nursing Student Association Meeting
Noon in WA-104.
Diversity Committee Meeting
12:15 p.m. in S-149.
Wednesday, April 23
Engineering Club Meeting
3 p.m. in S317.
Weekly Bible Study
3:30 p.m. in S326.
FAVE Conference
8 a.m. in R-01.
Battles of the Comics
2 p.m. in R-01.
Future Doctors of Santa Fe Meeting
2:30 p.m. in S-221.
Pre-law/Speech and Debate Meeting
3 p.m. in S-158.
H.O.L.A. Meeting
3:30 p.m. in P-262.
Engineering Club Breakfast Fundraiser
8 a.m. in the S-breezeway.
Spring Fling
10 a.m. in the Oak Grove.
Thursday, April 24
Cram Jam
10 a.m. at the Davis Center.
SGP Meeting
4 p.m. in S-149.
Game Night - Society for Nerds
5 p.m. in S-29.
FAVE Conference
8 a.m. in R-01.
Pokémon X and Y Tournament
3 p.m. in S-326/327.
Santa Fe Artists' Guild Meeting
3 p.m. in the M-art Gallery.
Engineering Club Breakfast Fund-Raiser
8 a.m. in the S-breezeway.
Friday, April 25
Spring and Spring B Classes End
Library Open 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Student Awards Night
5:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Hall.
Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) Meeting
1 p.m. in S-318.
Psychology Club General Meeting
1 p.m. in S-326.
The Gamers Lounge
10 a.m. in R-01.
World Travelers Meeting
11 a.m. in S-149.
Florida Skies: Spring – 7 p.m.
Music 360 - Pink Floyd - The Wall – 9 p.m.
Saturday, April 26
Library Open: 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Softball vs. Chipola College (DH) 1 p.m.
Zula Patrol: Down to Earth – 3 p.m.
Stars – 5 p.m.
Child of the Universe – 7 p.m.
Music 360: U2 – 9 p.m.