Career Service Council Bylaws
Santa Fe College
Article I. Name
The name of this body shall be the Career Service Council (CSC).
Article II. Purpose and Functions
Section 1. Purpose
The CSC is a recognized body of the shared governance structure of Santa Fe College in Florida. The CSC was formed to provide representation for Career Service (CS) employees, as defined in the Board-approved Salary Schedule, in matters of College policy, and issues of general interest to the College community.
Section 2. Functions
The function of the CSC shall include, but not be confined to, the following:
- To provide the means for full-time CS employees, through their elected representatives, to participate in the formulation of policies and procedures relating to those employees, their working environments, and the College community.
- To serve as a source for disseminating information to and receiving information from full-time CS employees.
- To represent full-time CS employees at the following regularly scheduled meetings: Board of Trustees meetings, College President's Cabinet meetings, Resource and Planning Council meetings, and/or other meetings as assigned by the College President or Board of Trustees.
Article III. Objectives
The objectives of the CSC are:
- Promote the welfare of members and the College in its entirety.
- Act as the voice of members to address employee concerns and issues.
- Act as a liaison between members, the administration of the College, and other groups that participate in College governance.
- Raise awareness regarding College issues, programs, services, and events.
- Devote efforts toward the professional development and advancement of members.
- Serve as an advisory group to the College President or his/her designee on College matters as they pertain to members and issues of general interest to the College community.
- Generate professional enthusiasm, encourage collaboration, and promote innovation, initiative, and spirit within the full-time CS employees of the College.
Article IV. Membership
All full-time CS employees, as defined in the Board-approved Salary Schedule, are considered members of the CSC.
Article V. Leadership Structure
Section 1. Career Service Council Leadership Structure
The CSC Leadership is comprised of the CSC Executive Council, CSC Standing Committee Chairs, CSC College-wide committee representatives, and CSC Cluster Representatives.
Section 2. Career Service Council Executive Council
The Executive Council will consist of six officers (President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian).
Section 3. Career Service Council Standing Committee Chairs and Representatives of College-wide Committees
The Chairpersons of the CSC Standing Committees are considered part of the leadership of the CSC. Chairpersons will be called upon to give insight into the activities, discussions, and concerns of the committee to the CSC Executive Council and CS membership for issues that pertain to their committee. For College-wide committees, one CS member will be designated by the CSC President as the committee’s representative for CS and will be considered part of the CSC Leadership structure.
Section 4. Career Service Council Cluster Representative(s)
CSC Cluster Representative are those employees who agree to serve from groups, campus/educational center locations, and/or academic areas that are defined by the CSC Cluster Representative Committee. The number of CSC Cluster Representatives may vary as determined by the CSC Cluster Committee. CSC Cluster Representatives will report to the CSC Secretary.
Members will be grouped into clusters to ensure representation throughout the College within the CSC. Clusters may be consolidated or expanded depending on the needs of the area as determined by the CSC Cluster Committee. An area may have more than one CSC Cluster Representative.
Article VI. The Executive Council
The duty of the CSC Executive Council is to perform business that requires immediate attention and will meet at least once between scheduled meetings to ensure they are fulfilling the CSC objectives.
Elected Executive Council Officers receive compensation through the Office of the President. This compensation is currently set at the following amounts per fiscal year: $2,000 for the CSC President and $1,000 each for the remaining elected Executive Officer positions. This compensation is at the discretion of the College President and may be changed or removed at their will. Should the amounts change, this section of the bylaws may be updated without going through the typical amendment process.
Section 1. Duties of the President
The CSC President will be the official voice of the CSC. The CSC President will be responsible for conducting scheduled meetings, meeting with the CSC Executive Council as deemed necessary, and carrying out other duties as required to fulfill the CSC objectives. The CSC President will also serve on the Sick Leave Pool Committee and the Salary and Benefits Committee. The CSC President will appoint, as necessary, appropriate ad-hoc committees consisting of members to ensure that the necessary functions of the CSC are addressed.
Section 2. Duties of the Past President
The Past President is the CSC President who served prior to the current CSC President and shall be a non-voting member of the CSC Executive Council for one year, unless they become a duly re-elected representative or return to an office on the CSC Executive Council. The Past President will provide guidance and information in an advisory capacity to the CSC Executive Council.
Section 3. Duties of the Vice President
The CSC Vice President shall be responsible for assisting the CSC President as needed and perform the duties of the CSC President in the CSC President’s absence. The Vice President will also serve on the Historian Committee. The CSC Vice President is responsible for overseeing and serving on the ad-hoc committees related to social events and member recognition.
Section 4. Duties of the Secretary
The CSC Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at meetings. A draft of the minutes will be available to the CSC Executive Council within ten working days following each meeting. The final draft will be approved at the next CSC meeting and upon approval will be posted to the website. The CSC Secretary shall serve as the Chair of the CSC Cluster Representative Committee. The CSC Secretary is responsible for keeping an up to date list of members, CSC Cluster Representatives, and CS Cluster Constituents. The CSC Secretary will work with the CSC Parliamentarian to ensure a quorum is met prior to the start of conducting CSC business.
Section 5. Duties of the Treasurer
The CSC Treasurer is responsible for monitoring, transacting, approving, and reporting on the finances associated with CSC funds. Monitoring will consist of monthly reconciliation, as well as verifying that adequate funds exist before authorizing a disbursement. Transactions will involve deposits and withdrawals once the appropriate authorizing signatures are obtained. Reports will be available at each meeting in written form, along with a verbal report whenever the CSC Treasurer is in attendance. The CSC Treasurer will serve on the Saints Share Wear Committee.
Section 6. Duties of the Parliamentarian
The CSC Parliamentarian is responsible for working with the CSC President to ensure that all Council meetings, elections, and business are conducted in accordance with the CSC Bylaws. The CSC Parliamentarian shall serve on the Bylaws and Elections Committee. The CSC Parliamentarian shall meet with the Bylaws and Elections Committee prior to the opening of the CSC election cycle to explain the elections process and eligibility requirements and to answer any questions regarding the process. The CSC Parliamentarian will work with the CSC Secretary to ensure a quorum is met prior to the start of conducting CSC business.
Article VII. Standing Committees and College-Wide Committees
Section 1. Standing Committee Appointments
The CSC President shall announce an open call for volunteers to serve on standing committees. Each standing committee, excluding the Cluster Representative Committee, shall elect a member to be the Chair of the committee, along with any other positions, via a majority vote of committee members at the first committee meeting after each new fiscal year begins. Each Standing Committee shall have a CSC Executive Officer appointed to serve on the committee.
Section 2. Standing Committee Meetings and Agenda
All standing committees will communicate meeting times on the CSC Canvas page. All agenda and minutes from these meetings shall be posted to the CSC Canvas page.
Section 3. Duties of Standing Committees
A. Bylaws and Elections Committee
The Bylaws and Elections Committee is a CSC standing committee consisting of Career Service employees, one of which will be Chair of this committee. The CSC Parliamentarian will serve on this committee. This committee is responsible for maintaining the bylaws. At minimum, the committee will meet with the Parliamentarian prior to any CSC election cycle and hold additional meetings on an as needed basis.
The Bylaws and Elections Committee will have the responsibility of overseeing the nomination and election process for the CSC. Any member of the committee that is running for an elected position is immediately removed from overseeing the nominations and elections upon accepting their nomination.
B. Cluster Representatives Committee
The Cluster Representatives Committee is a CSC standing committee consisting of CSC Cluster Representatives with the CSC Secretary serving as Chair. This committee is responsible for determining the structure of the clusters to ensure adequate representation of all members. The number of Cluster Representatives may vary.
C. Historian Committee
The Historian Committee is a CSC standing committee consisting of Career Service employees committed to maintaining a history of CSC events/projects. This Committee is responsible for taking photos during CSC meetings and special events, preserving and continuing an ongoing history, and maintaining the CSC website. Meetings will occur on an as-needed basis. The CSC Vice President will serve on this committee.
D. Salary and Benefits Committee
The Salary and Benefits Committee is a CSC standing committee consisting of Career Service employees, one of which will be the Chair of this Committee. The CSC President will serve on this committee. This committee is responsible for reviewing proposed changes to salary and benefits and making recommendations to the CSC Leadership. Recommendations are then taken to the Resource Planning Committee. Meetings will be scheduled on a regular basis.
E. Saints Share Wear Committee
The Saints Share Wear Committee is a CSC standing committee headed by officers: a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Share Wear Committee is responsible for oversight and operation of the Saints Share Wear store and has authority to enact programs aimed at increasing participation and sales.
The Share Wear Chair and Treasurer shall have budgetary authority, along with the CSC Executive Council Treasurer. The Share Wear Treasurer is responsible for keeping an accounting of all monies received and expended from the Share Wear account and will provide a record of these transactions to the CSC Executive Treasurer the day before the meeting and to the CSC at each regular meeting. Allowable expenditures from the Share Wear account include purchases that provide for store operations, upkeep, and promotion. Individual expenses over $250 and bi-annual aggregate expenses over $750 shall require approval by the CSC Executive Council.
A transfer shall be made bi-annually (in January and July) from the Share Wear account to the Friends of Career Service account, which feeds the Family Fund, Scholarship Fund, and the General Fund. At the time of the transfer, the Share Wear Committee may maintain an account balance of up to $750; all funds in excess of this amount will be transferred.
Section 4. Resignation of Standing Committee Chairperson
Should a CSC Standing Committee Chairperson resign, the CSC Executive Officer serving on the committee will be appointed by the CSC President to serve as Chair of that committee until a new Chairperson is elected by the committee.
Section 5. College-Wide Committee CS Representative Appointments
The CSC President shall appoint members as required to serve as representatives for College-wide Committees. The CSC President will announce an open call for volunteers wishing to serve on the committee and appoint members from among those who volunteered.
Section 6. Duties of College-Wide Committees
A. Bookstore Advisory Committee
The Bookstore Advisory Committee is a College-wide committee that includes at least one CSC representative who attends scheduled meetings with College representatives and College Bookstore employees to discuss textbook options, scholarship information, and merchandise.
B. Food Service Advisory Committee
The Food Service Advisory Committee is a College-wide committee that includes at least one CSC representative who attends scheduled meetings to keep the CSC informed of the food and vending services, which includes all products sold, distributed, and promoted on campus in accordance with the beverage exclusivity agreement with Santa Fe College.
C. Sick Leave Pool Committee
The Sick Leave Pool Committee is a College-wide committee that includes three representatives of the Career Service Council (the CSC President, the Chair of the Salary and Benefits Committee, and a CSC member appointed by the CSC President). The representatives attend meetings as scheduled to keep the CSC informed of policies related to sick leave pool, pursuant to College Rule 3.20P.
D. Safety Committee
The Safety Committee is a College-wide committee that includes at least one CSC representative who attends meetings to keep the Council informed of pertinent information regarding issues related to safety and risk management.
E. Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee is a College-wide committee that includes at least one CSC representative who attends meetings of the Sustainability Committee to keep the CSC informed of pertinent information regarding issues related to sustainability.
F. Calendar Committee
The Calendar Committee is a College-wide committee that includes at least one CSC representative who attends meetings of the Calendar Committee to keep the CSC informed of pertinent information regarding issues related to the upcoming College academic calendar.
Section 7. Resignation of College-Wide Committee Representative
Should a CSC Representative on a College-wide Committee resign, the CSC President will announce an open call for volunteers to serve on the committee. The CSC Executive Council shall select a member to appoint from among those who volunteered.
Article VIII. CSC Cluster Representatives
Section 1. Duties of Cluster Representatives
Cluster Representatives are expected to attend CSC meetings and are to report back to their constituents. If a Cluster Representative is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he/she should have someone from the cluster attend the meeting to provide full representation. Should a Cluster Representative miss three consecutive regular meetings without arranging for someone to attend in his/her place, the CSC Secretary will have the option to retain the Cluster Representative or select a new Representative. Should a Cluster Representative resign from the position or be elected to a CSC Executive Council position, a new Cluster Representative must be chosen in accordance with Article VIII Section 2.
Cluster Representatives should review the CSC Bylaws, which are available on the CSC website. An email acknowledging the Cluster Representative has read the bylaws should be sent to the CSC Secretary.
Section 2. Appointment of Cluster Representative
The CSC President will announce an open call for volunteers wishing to serve as a Cluster Representative and appoint representatives from among those who volunteered. Cluster Representatives are appointed to a one-year term. Appointments are effective August 1 of every year.
Section 3. Resignation of Cluster Representative
Should a Cluster Representative wish to resign during their term, they shall email their resignation letter to the CSC Secretary. The CSC President shall then appoint a new Cluster Representative to finish the term.
Article IX. Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees are formed to manage a single issue or problem that can be resolved within a short period of time. A member and/or CSC officer appointed by the CSC President will Chair the committee. Additional members and/or officers may be appointed by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee. The CSC President will establish the general mission and goals of the Ad Hoc Committee.
Article X. CSC Budgetary Authority and Constraints
The CSC President and CSC Treasurer shall have budgetary authority over the accounts maintained by the CSC. The CSC Executive Council is responsible for sending a proposed budget to the CSC body by August 1 of each year. The proposed budget shall be voted on by the CSC body at the August CSC meeting. Individual expenses over $250 and aggregate expenses over $750 that are not included in the approved budget shall require approval by the CSC at a meeting prior to purchasing.
Article XI. Executive Council Officer Nominations/Elections
Section 1. Responsibility for Overseeing CSC Executive Council Officer Elections
The Bylaws and Elections Committee will have the responsibility of overseeing the nomination and election process for the CSC. Any member of the committee that is running for a position is immediately dismissed from overseeing the nominations and elections upon accepting their nomination. In the event that fewer than two members of the Bylaws and Election committee are eligible to oversee the election, additional eligible members shall be solicited from the CSC Leadership structure.
Prior to the nomination period opening, the CSC Parliamentarian will hold a meeting consisting of the members of the Bylaws and Elections Committee. During this meeting, the CSC Parliamentarian will go over the election process as outlined in the CSC Bylaws and the eligibility requirements for the positions.
Section 2. Executive Officer Nomination Procedure
- Any member may initiate a nomination for a CSC Executive Officer position. In the event a nominee is not self-nominated, acceptance shall be sought from the nominee prior to including them on the election ballot.
- Nominations are generally submitted annually between April 1 and April 30, however, an alternative period of at least 30 days may be established by the CSC Bylaws and Elections Committee due to extenuating circumstances. Should an alternative period be necessary, the CSC Bylaws and Elections Committee shall notify the CSC Executive Council in writing as to the extenuating circumstance and the alternative schedule. The CSC President shall notify all members of the alternative schedule prior to the start of the alternative nomination period. Nominations must be submitted in writing via email to the email address. The CSC Executive Council shall promote the nomination period by advertising the opening of nominations in the College News, an email to all members, and an announcement at the February and April CSC meetings. In addition, all CSC Cluster Representatives shall send an email to their constituents informing them that nominations are open. If it is known that a particular constituent group does not regularly check their email, CSC Cluster Representatives and the CSC Executive Council will make reasonable efforts to ensure that those constituents are aware that the nomination period is open.
- Nominees must have completed their employment probationary period prior to the start of their term to be eligible to hold a CSC Executive Officer position. Nominees must also have their supervisor’s written approval prior to the election.
- All candidates who have accepted their nomination for office shall be announced during the month of May, but no later than May 15, when nominations occur in April. If an alternative schedule is adopted, nominations will be announced within two weeks of the posted nomination deadline.
- All nominees must send an email acknowledging they have read the Bylaws to the email address prior to the opening of the election.
Section 3. Executive Officer Elections Procedure
- CSC Elections are generally held for any contested position during the month of June. In the event of an alternate schedule, the election shall be held in the next 30-day period following the deadline for nominations.
- If any position is uncontested, a motion will be made at the May CSC meeting, if quorum is met, as defined in Article XIII Section 4, to allow the uncontested nominations to assume office for the next fiscal year. The motion will pass with a majority vote of CS members present.
- The dates allotted for voting will be determined by the Bylaws and Elections Committee but shall not be for a period less than 14 calendar days.
- All members are eligible to vote.
- Voting will be conducted via the eStaff system. Reasonable efforts shall be made to provide access and assistance to areas that do not typically utilize the eStaff system.
- The Bylaws and Elections committee will certify the results of the election and inform the CSC Executive Council of the results. The CSC President will publish the results of the election on the CSC website and through the College News. The CSC President will also distribute an email to all members detailing the results of the election within 72 hours of receiving the results.
- Executive Council Officers will assume their duties on July 1.
Article XII. Executive Officer Resignation/Vacancy
Section 1. CSC Executive Officer Resignations
Resignations shall be submitted in writing to the CSC President, unless the Executive Officer has left the College, at which point they are automatically removed. If the CSC President wishes to resign, they shall submit their resignation in writing to the College President and the CSC Vice President.
Section 2. Executive Officer Resignation/Vacancy
- If a CSC Executive Officer resigns or otherwise vacates office during his/her term,
the CSC President or Vice President will assume responsibility for the vacancy until
the position is filled
- The remaining CSC Executive Council Officers must select someone to appoint to the vacant position within ten working days. Eligibility shall be consistent with election eligibility. Once an individual is selected, the decision must be presented to the CSC Leadership. A vote shall be taken and recorded. At least 50% of the CSC Leadership must be present to conduct a vote.
- If the CSC Presidency is vacated for any reason, the CSC Vice President is automatically selected for the position and will assume the Presidency for the balance of the current term upon a majority vote of approval from the CSC Leadership. If a majority vote of approval is not obtained, or the CSC Vice President declines the position, the position will be filled in accordance with the procedure in Article XII Section 2.A.i.
Article XIII. Meetings
Section 1. General Meetings
General CSC meetings will be scheduled to coincide with the Board of Trustees meetings. Meeting date information will be posted on the CSC website. Council meetings shall be open to the public and non-members will be permitted to speak in accordance with the agenda and/or the presiding officer’s discretion. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. These meetings will allow CSC members to discuss concerns expressed by members. The CSC Executive Council will handle these concerns when appropriate or forward them to the appropriate administrators or other College personnel for response. Attendance at general meetings shall be in accordance with the College’s Time and Attendance Policy.
Section 2. Recommendations to CSC Executive Council
Any member may submit a recommendation and/or a suggestion to the CSC Executive Council through any CSC Officer, Cluster Representative, or the CSC general email address. Suggestions may be placed on the agenda and discussed at the next CSC meeting.
Likewise, other members of the College community may submit a request to be placed on the agenda to present an item of interest related to the operation of the College, policies, rules and procedures, or that directly impacts CS employees.
Section 3. Special Meetings
On occasion, there may be a need to call a special meeting for a specific purpose or agenda item. Any member of the CSC Executive Council may call a special meeting. In these cases, the CSC Executive Council will provide as much advance notice as possible to the membership. All other provisions regarding general meetings and attendance requirements for voting remain in place.
Section 4. Operating Guidelines
- Two-thirds of the CSC Leadership, or their proxies, must be present at general and special meetings to constitute a quorum.
- Each member shall have one vote. All final decisions shall be by majority vote.
- The agenda for each meeting will be established by the CSC Executive Council and will include at a minimum: Call to Order and Quorum Call, Approval of the prior meeting minutes, Treasurer's Report, Standing Committee Reports, College-wide Committee Reports, Cluster Representative Reports, Old Business, New Business, Announcements, and Adjournment.
Article XIV. Amending the Bylaws
Section 1. Procedure
- Any member may submit, in writing, proposed changes to the CSC Bylaws to the Bylaws and Elections Committee.
- The Bylaws and Elections Committee will discuss any proposals and determine what should be presented to the CSC Executive Council.
- Proposed changes to the Bylaws may be discussed at any general or special meeting of the CSC.
- A copy of the proposed amendments shall be circulated by the CSC Executive Council to all members at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be considered. Written feedback from members shall be provided to the CSC Bylaws and Elections Committee at least five days prior to the meeting at which amendments will be considered.
- The CSC Bylaws and Elections Committee shall review the feedback and make revisions as deemed necessary. If the amendment is revised, the revised amendment shall be circulated consistent with Article XIV Section 1.D.
- When the final draft of the proposed amendments has been prepared by the Bylaws and Elections Committee, a vote will be conducted electronically through the eStaff system. All members are eligible to vote on the proposed changes. Voting shall be open for a minimum of 14 calendar days. The revised bylaws are approved with a simple majority vote. The bylaws become effective immediately after being approved.
Revised Bylaws approved September 16, 2020
Revised Article XII Section 3.A approved March 28, 2022