A Salute to SFPD Dispatchers During 2018 National Telecommunicators Week

April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018 – National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week occurs every year during the second week of April. This year the week runs from April 8-14. It is well-established now as a time to recognize and thank telecommunications personnel in the public safety communications field. This year we will take time out to honor our "behind-the-scenes heroes." The Santa Fe College Police Department has five full-time Telecommunications Officers that work 24/7, 365 days a year. We also have 13 sworn department members and who are certified to dispatch if needed. Our men and women answer calls for help, gather essential information and dispatch the appropriate assistance. They can often make the difference between life and death for a person in need. They also assist students and staff on all SF property with a variety of things including lost and found, issuance of keys, parking decals, and accident/incident reports.

Public safety telecommunicators are more than just a calm and reassuring voice at the other end of the phone. They are knowledgeable and highly trained individuals who work closely with other police agencies, fire, and medical personnel as well as others in the college community. If you have time please take a moment out of your day to stop by the Police Department during the week of April 8-14, 2018, and say thank you to Sean Geiger, Deloris Jernigan, Kaylen Schroeder, Loni Spearmon-Griggs, and Betty Weir. They are located in the front lobby of the Police Department on the Northwest Campus, Building T.