CODI Summer 2017

June 15, 2017

June 13, 2017 - Santa Fe College CT3 will begin the June 26 summer session of its Certificate for Online Design and Instruction (CODI). This is an intensive course that grounds online teaching practice in researched-based approaches. CODI is offered completely online and though there is a firm end date of mid-August, participants can pace themselves through the course.

Two information sessions will be offered about the certificate programs and professional development provided by CT3. A face-to-face session will be given June 20 at noon in building P, room 140. An online webinar will be given June 21 at 4 p.m. at www.sfcollege.adobeconnect/ct3. Register for the information sessions or the certificate itself at Check out our new ad here -

The CT3 team looks forward to seeing you there!