Celebrate Alan Pappas' Retirement Dec. 5
November 26, 2013
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
One of our faculty members, Alan Pappas, will be retiring from SF in December. His retirement celebration will Thursday, Dec. 5, in S-254 from 2 - 3 p.m.
A message from Kathy Koontz:
Alan Pappas began his last semester at the college in much the same way as he began his first semester here over 30 years ago - waxing poetically to a fellow professor at the college about his new ideas for the curriculum in his course and new ways he had developed to reach each student in a special way. Alan marshalled great energy each semester to try things in his classes others wouldn't dream of to reach students others couldn't reach. There are many current and ex-students at Santa Fe who are forever indebted to this creative, resourceful man whose boundless energy and constant support led them to successful careers.
Alan's leadership as coordinator of the Student Development Instruction program was a driving force behind the development of this highly successful program. Moreover, students who took these classes typically had higher GPA's and graduated sooner on average than other students at the college. Alan served as mentor to many new professors in the program through the workshops that he developed and the many long hours he spent sharing unselfishly in one-on-one sessions with these nascent staff members. Those who worked closely with Alan, at all levels, shared and often borrowed ideas from this generous educator. Alan's leadership, his genius at developing and delivering classroom excellence, his vision for the future of the program and his high energy will all be missed. Those who know him best though will miss a good and trusted friend.
Please join us in S-254 on Thursday, Dec. 5, as we celebrate Alan's 32 year career at Santa Fe College and wish him a joyful retirement.