2023 RUE Winners Announced
April 26, 2023
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
April 26, 2023 – The 2023 Research in Undergraduate Education (RUE) Festival was held earlier this week. At the festival, students presented research conducted at SF in various fields such as Humanities, Psychology, Biotechnology and Natural Sciences. Top posters were chosen in the categories of analytical and empirical style research.
The winners for the evening were:
1st Place - Bence Beres, "Son of the White Mare: Folklore and Postcolonialism in Marcell
Jankovics' Feherlofia" Faculty Mentor – Nik Bajorek https://courses.sfcollege.edu/files/47153464/download?download_frd=1
2nd Place – Raymond Gage, "Overview of Current Genetic Sequencing Technologies" Faculty Mentor - Alejandra Maruniak https://courses.sfcollege.edu/files/47098220/download?download_frd=1
3rd Place – Amber Waters, "The Erasure of Ancient Greek Women" Faculty Mentor – Claire Orenduff - https://courses.sfcollege.edu/courses/46794/files/47058386/preview?instfs=true
1st Place – Emma Hammes, Camila Aristizabal and Gabriela Cordovi "College Students
Attitudes Towards Mental Health and Potential Barriers" Faculty Mentor – Christopher
Raye https://courses.sfcollege.edu/files/47099334/download?download_frd=1
2nd Place – Muegge, Dillon, "Analysis of Body Condition in River Cooters (Pseudemys concinna) in the Santa Fe River" Faculty Mentor – Jerry Johnston and Cody Godwin https://courses.sfcollege.edu/files/47078986/download?download_frd=1
3rd Place – Arigue, Suhayla, Dillon Muegge, Jake Miller & Jocelyn Bessette "Evaluation of Boat Strike Injuries on River Cooters (Pseudemys concinna) with Emphasis on Demographic Variation" Faculty Mentor – Jerry Johnston and Cody Godwin https://courses.sfcollege.edu/files/47078990/download?download_frd=1
Please join us in congratulating these students!