Past STAR Award Nominees and Winners
Past STAR Award Nominees
- Heather Albright
- Sarah Anderson
- Mark Barley
- Megan Beery
- Melisa Clark
- Ericka DeMarco
- Cheryl Farrell
- Liliana Gavianes-Banks
- Sarah Howard
- Cheetara Ritz
- Connie Stefansen
- Verlisa Thornton
- Jenny Widerman
- Sarah Anderson
- Mark Barley
- Blanca Betances
- Tanisha Byars
- Melisa Clark
- Raquel Crawford
- Peggy Debow
- Heather Domin
- Stacey Ledvina
- Renee Marshall
- Rhonda Mott
- Nancee Oftelie
- Mikayla Robinson
- Chris Spence-Thomas
- Christine Weeks
- Palenthia Boswell
- Deborah Ackerman
- Christine Arnold
- Jalena Camps
- Liz Carter
- Michelle Clark
- Peggy Debow
- Heather Domin
- Tiffany Escobar
- Anne Millard
- Rhonda Mott
- Nancee Oftelie
- Elizabeth Pineda
- Mikayla Robinson
- Lynn Speer
- Christine Weeks
- Erica Weil
- Blanca Betances
- Palenthia Boswell
- Raqual Crawford
- Heather Domin
- Oralia Gamino
- Darrell Linzy
- Ron Mills
- Rhonda Mott
- Judy Nickell
- Elizabeth Pineda
- Cheetara Ritz
- Phil Scarpace
- Raqual Crawford
- Paula Gainey
- Karen "Missy" Hamlow
- Wanda Howard-Holmes
- Joseph Jester
- Lois Jones
- Julie McGrath
- Mike Muhlhauser
- Krystal Nelson
- Carol Pugh
- Sonny Richardson
- Cindy Salvadori
Past STAR Award Winners
Cheetara Ritz
Admissions - Administrative Assistant
Cheetara began her journey at the college as a TempForce employee at the Teaching Zoo for four and half years before joining SF full-time in facilities as a mover. After working in that department for one and a half years she went to the Admissions Office as the Administrative Assistant and has been there for a little over four years. She has loved every department that she has worked in including the people. She is a graduate of the Zoo Animal Technology Program, earning an A.S. She is currently working on her A.A. here at Santa Fe College. After her A.A. she hopes to obtain a bachelors at UF. Her favorite thing about SF is being able to go anywhere on campus and know almost everyone with the ability to chat about things and laugh with them (She loves laughing). When Cheetara is not at work she enjoys watching Netflix series and movies, and also loves listening to music. She is very appreciative to be named this year's S.T.A.R. Award winner.
Rhonda Mott
Business Programs - Academic Assistant
Rhonda Mott is a lifelong Gainesville area resident. She has been the Academic Assistant for the Business Programs Department at Santa Fe College for several years. She is a wife, mom, daughter, and student that serves as a role model to all students on campus. Rhonda likes to ride horses, play tennis, go camping, and going to the beach with family and friends. She supports community services such as the Florida Sheriff's Boys Ranch. She enjoys watching football and basketball, especially the Gator games. Rhonda is loved by everyone in the Business Programs Department, she always greets everybody with her cheerful mood, smile, and huge dimples!
Elizabeth Pineda
Academic Advisement Center - Program Support Specialist
Elizabeth Pineda began her journey here at Santa Fe College through the amazing Displaced Homemaker's Program (DHP), worked as a Temp Force employee, then moving up to her current FT position as the Academic Advisement Support Specialist. Elizabeth enjoys helping our students feel confident and shares with them the great resources that Santa Fe College has to offer, so they can achieve their college goals with ease. She is most rewarded when the students come back and share all their accomplishments. Congratulations Elizabeth on being the 2021 S.T.A.R. Award recipient!
Phil Scarpace
Master Desktop Computer Specialist - User Support, Information Technology
Phil Scarpace has been in IT department of Santa Fe College since August of 2000. He is a Master Desktop Computer Specialist – User Support and our Lead Apple Technician. He is a world traveler having visited and lived in some beautiful and exotic locales. Phil loves music and was even in a band for a number of years (long hair and all). He has a passion and aptitude for fixing up homes, doing everything from the floors to the ceilings. Phil is always willing and ready to assist with your computer problems. He is well liked by all faculty and staff and is a valued career service employee here at Santa Fe. Congratulations on the Star Award Phil!
Krystal Nelson
Administrative Assistant, Student Life
Krystal has worked for Santa Fe College in Student Life for over 5 years. She is responsible to facilitate the SF Graduation tickets as the "face" of the college to the graduate students. She has created a "will call" system for the graduation tickets, as they are limited tickets available for each graduating student. She is the "unsung hero" in her department. As her nickname is "Martha Stewart", she supports her staff (and their tummies) by bringing in homemade baked goods to share! She coordinates the "Trees for Life" holiday event involving the student organizations who decorate a tree and the selected tree is later donated to a local family. Her positive attitude, above and beyond approach, and her "behind-the-scenes" tasks is what her co-workers and supervisors appreciate the most about her, which has earned her nomination and recognition as the 2019 STAR Recipient.