Passings: Harriet P. Flowers
July 16, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Harriet P. Flowers was a magnificent organizer and a warm and loving people person. Her job since 2000 as office supervisor for grants in the Office of Development was a perfect fit.
She loved grants and what they stood for - changing our students' lives and the community for the better. She loved Santa Fe and its mission, and she loved being a part of the Santa Fe family. She enjoyed supporting her grant managers and developed close relationships with them. Harriet continued working until about a month before she died.
"If she missed a day, you knew she was feeling really, really badly," said her great friend, Teri McClellan. "She would come in here when she didn't feel good, and it just didn't matter. She was just going to be here. That was the way it was. I don't think you could find anyone more dedicated to this campus and to what it does."
Harriet was a near legendary planner.
"She always liked to be in the middle of things to make sure that they were organized and planned well," Teri said. "She liked to make sure that everything was taken care of. She truly loved the college. It was her life. She took work to the next level."
Nancy Griffin, Coordinator of the Displaced Homemaker Program, worked closely with Harriet for years.
"She was such a sweet person and so very dedicated to us and so supportive of our program," Nancy said. "She wanted us to succeed, and we have been very successful. Her heart went way beyond what was required of the job. She was working right up until about the end on our grants stuff from home. It was her tender heart that touched us. We were always happy to see Harriet."
Harriet was married to her husband Jim for 31 years. They have two grown children, David, who lives in Canada, and Rachel, who lives in Gainesville, and were the proud grandparents of Rachel's 18-month-old daughter Gabrielle - their first grandchild.
"Gabrielle was the love her of her life," Teri said.
Harriet was a diehard Gator sports fan and followed basketball and football. She collected clowns and loved to cook and watch cooking shows on TV.
Years ago she worked part-time for the college in Human Resources and insurance, back when her children were young.
"Harriet was well known to many of us and a friend to all who met her," said Santa Fe President Jackson Sasser.
Chuck Clemons, Vice President for Development at Santa Fe, added, "Harriet symbolized the Serve First philosophy. She worked hard to make other people's lives easier."
Harriet died Wednesday, July 15, at Haven Hospice after a 19-month battle with cancer.
She will be remembered with love.
Memorial Service
There will be a memorial for her this Saturday, July 18, at Parkview Baptist Church, 3403 NW 13th St., at either 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. We'll update this information as it becomes available.
In lieu of flowers, Harriet requested donations to the Displaced Homemaker Program, SFC, 3000 NW 83rd St., Building I, Room 40, Gainesville, FL 32606.