AFC News
April 4, 2012
Interested in Professional Development? Check out the new Certified College Professional Program (CCPP) offered to AFC members. Contact Debbie Kennedy ext. 3812 for brochure and application.
Helpers are needed to sell t-shirts, totes, or give out information at the Spring Arts Festival on April 14-15. Contact Kathryn Russ ext. 4492.
See what Santa Fe and other colleges are doing across the state – check out the Current.
Each One Reach One: Encourage someone to join AFC and become eligible to win a weekend getaway to Melbourne! Drawing will be July 2.
Upcoming events:
- Region II Spring Conference April 20 at Santa Fe. Registration available soon.
- Facilities Commission Conference April 25-26.
- Joint Commission Conference May 10-11.
- Student Development Commission Conference May 16-18.
- Spring Fling -TBD.