2015 Ag Fest and Master Gardener Plant Sale May 16
May 5, 2015
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The Master Gardener Plant Sale will have a variety of herbs, annuals, perennials,
natives, trees and more will be available at exceptional prices. Master Gardener volunteers
will be on site for advice on selection and care of your plants. This annual plant
sale is a fundraiser for the Alachua County Master Gardener Volunteer Program.
The Ag Fest will be providing information on the following: beekeeping, small farm
goat management, growing mushrooms, raised bed gardening, free soil pH testing and
much more. Also presentations are scheduled on the following topics: Growing Fruit
in Alachua County, Bee Pollinators & Pesticides and Cooking Matters. Come and learn
more about locally grown food, producing and growing food.
Admission and parking are free. For more information about this program call (352)955-2402.
Visit http://alachua.ifas.ufl.edu/calendar.shtml for additional programs offered by the Extension Office.