World Humanities Expo
November 16, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Once again, the Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages showcases international education at its best! And the best of the best are our students.
This year, the HFL's World Humanities Expo features speakers, creative artifacts and projects, research papers, food, and festivities of the world across the various disciplines within humanities, including interdisciplinary humanities, religion, philosophy, public speaking, American Sign Language, Chinese, French, and Spanish. Each day features a different part of the world (see schedule below).
Retired Humanities faculty are judging student projects based on quality, research and originality. The best will move forward to the Research in Undergraduate Education's (RUE) research symposium in the spring.
The expo runs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in R-01, the week of Nov. 16-20. Admission is free and open to the general public.
For more information, please contact Dr. William Little, Chair of HFL, at 395-5075.
Featured Area: Religions of the World
The Religions of the World exhibit within the Humanities Expo features top projects from Contemporary World Religions and Religion in America classes.
Creative projects are based on research touching on Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.
Students express their research through sculpture, acrylic, watercolor, wood burning, sand, games, mosaics, children's books, sewing, carpentry, mixed media, technology, Web site design, PowerPoint, clothing construction, papier mâché, beads, music, and film!
We hope you appreciate the fine contribution SFC students are making in promoting understanding and tolerance of the various world religions.
World Humanites Expo Schedule
Monday, Nov. 16 ~ Mexico/Latin America
8 a.m. – Film: "Camila" (Argentina)
10 a.m. – Karen Zetrouer food display, "Cuernavaca"
11 a.m. – Salsa videos, South American display
Noon – Film: "Like Water for Chocolate" (Mexico)
2-2:40 p.m. – Dr. Phillip J. Williams, Director and Professor, Center for Latin America Studies at UF presents: "New Destinations of Latin American Immigration to the U.S."
Tuesday, Nov. 17 ~ Africa
9:30 a.m. – Father Tony Eseke presents, "On Nigeria, Catholicism, and Me"
9-11 a.m. – Harm Museum's Bishop Study Center, examine and explore African artifacts
Noon-2 p.m. SF Fine Arts Professor Pat Telesco presents a Jewelry Demo and "The Language of African Beadwork"
1-2 p.m. SF English Professor Naana Horne gives a poetry reading
2-4 p.m. Leaon Larson gives a hand drumming demo
Wednesday, Nov. 18 ~ North America
9-11 a.m. – Open mic
11 a.m. – Teague Johnson, guitarist, presents Songs of American Trains
Noon – Jason Malina presents "Red Cloud: A Native American Perspective"
12:30 p.m. Lea Gramling, "How Pioneer Floridians Lived"
1 p.m. – Steve Lodle: "Yearning for Learning – Peril or Promise?"
1:30 p.m. SF Jazz Combo and Rhythm & Blues Ensemble
2:30-3:30 p.m. – Signing Saints ASL Voice-Off
Thursday, Nov. 19 ~ Europe
8 a.m. – Film: "Waking Ned Devine" (Ireland)
9 a.m. – European Artisan Breads and Desserts, Flour Pot Bakery
9:30 a.m. – Michael Morse presents "Ireland: Saints and Scholars"
11 a.m. – "Concert of the Masters," by Becky Micha with European Still Lifes, digital photos by Robert Brill
12:30 a.m. – Film: "Cinema Paradiso" (Italy)
2 p.m. – Dr. Bill Little presents "Don Quixote"
Friday, Nov. 20 ~ Asia and the Middle East
8 a.m. – Robin Hardee presents, "China"
9 a.m. – Robin Hardee presents, "China"
10 a.m. – Richard Schulman presents "Sounding Shofar"
11 a.m. – Film: "King of the Mask" (China)
11:45 a.m. – Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Demo
Noon – Ann Scroggie presents: "Bhutan: The Kingdom of Happiness"