Self-Certification Policy
Self-Certification for Micro-Purchase Threshold
DATE: June 15, 2023
FROM: David Shlafer, Director of Purchasing
Annual Self-Certification for Micro-Purchase Threshold Increase to $50,000 on Exempt Purchases
In accordance with 2 C.F.R. Section 200.320(iv), Non-Federal entities may establish a threshold higher than the micro-purchase threshold identified in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in accordance with the requirements of this section. The non-Federal entity may self-certify a threshold up to $50,000 on an annual basis and must maintain documentation to be made available to the Federal awarding agency and auditors in accordance with §200.334. The self-certification must include a justification, clear identification of the threshold, and supporting documentation of a higher threshold consistent with State law.
Therefore, Santa Fe College’s Micro-Purchase Threshold for purchases with federal funds shall be $50,000 with regard to purchases exempted from solicitation by Santa Fe College Board Rule 5.2 and Florida Department of Education Rule 6A-14.0734.