Congratulations to Alora Haynes, SF Brand Ambassador for November 2019

December 3, 2019
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
December 3, 2019 – When she's not teaching students in Santa Fe College's dance program, or addressing the concerns of Fine Arts students and staff as chair of the department, Alora Haynes is also responsible for bringing world-renowned performers to SF to engage the community. This was most recently demonstrated last month with the American Ballet Theatre and New York Dance Project in the two sold-out performances of Carmen Suite at the Fine Arts Hall.
While some were fortunate enough to see one of the two sold-out performances of Carmen Suite, it was Alora's tireless efforts behind the scenes that put all of the necessary parts into place. From coordinating the schedules of the professional dancers in New York, to working with Marketing & Communications (MarCom) in marketing the production, Alora also recorded podcasts and hosted exclusive events during the week of the performances, following SF Brand Guide standards, keeping a consistent and cohesive identity for the college.
For these reasons, and many more we could cite, SF's Communications & Creative Services is proud to select Alora Haynes as the Brand Ambassador for November and December 2019.