AFC's Career & Professional Employees Commission Wants To Give You Money!
September 11, 2012
Logo Contest – $150 reward
The Career and Professional Employees Commission is changing its look. What it looks
like is up to YOU. CPEC needs a LOGO (picture). There will be a $150 reward for the
AFC member who brings the CPEC brand that "empowers" our members.
Deadline: Sept. 24
Email entries to Shelby Fiorentino
Book Scholarship – $100 reward
This $100 book scholarship is being offered by CPEC to assist CPEC members and their
families in paying costs not waived by their institutions.
Deadline: Oct. 12
Essay Writing Contest – $100 reward
Any community/state college career or professional employee can be a contestant.
Objective: To recognize the professional writing talents of the career and professional
employees in the community college system.
Essays will only be accepted via email!
Deadline: Oct. 01
Pat Barriteau Unsung Hero Award $100 Reward
This special award in the amount of $100 is given in recognition to a member of the
AFC CPEC for their strong commitment and tireless, be-hind-the-scenes efforts at the
local and/or chapter commission level. In order to be considered, you must submit
a letter or essay about the person you are nominating. Please provide clear positive
examples of how this person has participated, helped and just is an "Unsung Hero"
of AFC. Pictures are not required but very welcome. Email essay and entry form Deadline:
Oct. 5, 2012