Active shooter simulation training was a great education for many

July 7, 2015

Santa Fe College hosted law enforcement agencies from around Florida at the Department of Homeland Security certified Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response course (LASER), yesterday in Building O on SF's Northwest Campus. The scenario portion of the LASER training provided for many great learning and photo opportunities for all involved.

The LASER course used hands-on field training and scenario-based exercises to teach the technical aspects of planning and implementing rapid law enforcement deployment to an active shooter incident. This cutting-edge training at Santa Fe College brings a whole new level of professional development to North Central Florida for police officers from across the region.

"Area law enforcement, including our own Santa Fe College police officers, are receiving the most current professional development available from federal instructors," said Santa Fe College Police Chief Ed Book. "While I hope we never have to respond to an active shooter event, I want to know that we are as prepared as possible to deal with an incident like this. I'm proud as Chief that we are hosting our law enforcement partners to train with us at the Northwest Campus."