AFC Spring Fling Success
May 29, 2012
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the AFC Spring Fling. We had a fantastic time, good food and entertainment, but best of all great company. Many thanks to Dave Shlafer, Heather Domin, Krista Froiseth, Jason Head, Donna Sparks, Beverly Polk, Mikayla Klein, Facilities and Grounds and to all who helped serve and cook. See picture album Spring Fling. Welcome our new members Della Howard and Cathy Hyde. There were several who won door prizes – congratulations to:
Wade Huggins
Linda Payne
David Diefendorf
Patti Locascio
Dianne Wilkinson
David Engle
Brandy Williams-Debottis
Bill Reese
Lynn Reed
Kenny Holmes
Oralia Gamino
Sean Flanick
Carol Pugh
Mike Hutley
Marie Thomas
Dan Lackey
And 2 guests