CIED Incubating Company Seeks Volunteers For Spring Service Trip

January 30, 2012

Children Beyond Our Borders, an incubating company at SF's Center for Innovation and Economic Development, strives to help youth affected by conflict and social injustice in foreign countries. Through its educational program, Nuevos Horizontes, and scholarship program, I Am CBOB, the organization aims to empower these youngsters to attend universities and seek employment.

CBOB is currently seeking volunteers to participate in its Crossing Borders service trips. This opportunity is open to all students and young professionals, 18 years and older. These trips allow volunteers to travel to Colombia and work hands-on with CBOB's children. Trip costs will go exclusively toward funding CBOB's educational and scholarship programs. The deadline to apply for spring trips is Feb. 6.

Please visit to read more and to get involved with CBOB's programs.