AFC Community Service Project

October 22, 2013

Each year at the AFC State Convention (Nov. 13-15), all 28 colleges come together to support a community service project.

This year, we are supporting the Harbor House of Central Florida, which provides safe shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling, emotional support, and legal advocacy for thousands of domestic violence survivors and their children.

Listed below are items needed and can be dropped off to Debbie Blair in P-140 or Debi McElroy in F-256.

Diapers – all sizes and diaper wipes

Fabuloso, Pine-Sol, Formula 409, Lysol-all purpose cleaner, dishwashing liquid, bleach, laundry detergent, Clorox wipes, Lysol disinfecting spray, antibacterial hand soap, air freshener, Windex glass cleaner, toilet/bathroom cleaner, floor cleaners, dust pans, brooms, mops, sponges

New bed pillows (standard), twin-size bedding, bath towels, 33-gallon clear trash bags, gift cards – Publix, Walmart, Target, etc.