Property Manual

The Property Manual is currently undergoing revision. In the meantime, this page contains quick reference information on common Property topics. Please direct all Property questions to Martin Valentine, Inventory and Assets Manager, or Francisco Lopez, Comptroller.

On This Page


Thresholds and Limits

Property GLCs


Available Surplus Property — College property is defined as available surplus when it is not currently being used by any department but is not yet designated for disposition. Such property is available for use by SF departments.

Disposed Surplus Property — College property is defined as disposed surplus when it has met all disposition criteria and cleared Property records. Such property is then disposed of via recycling services, local schools, and/or surplus sales.

  • If your department is in need of furniture or equipment, contact the Inventory and Assets Manager to set up an appointment to check available property. 
  • See the SF Surplus page for further information on accessing available property as well as the disposition of surplus property.

Thresholds and Limits

  • Capital Expense: Equipment, furniture, and other non-consumable items with a unit cost greater than $199 are classified as capital expense with a 7000 GLC. 
  • Discretionary Decal: Capital items costing between $200-$5,000 may be decaled at the discretion of the department, but decals are not required. (Exception: computers, which are always decaled.)
  • Mandatory Decal: Capital items costing more than $5,000 must be decaled by the Inventory and Assets Manager. Decals are required on all college property with a value greater than $5,000. 

Common Property GLCs

  • 70500 — Furniture and Equipment (Not Inventoried)
  • 70506 — Computer/Technology Equipment (Not Inventoried)
  • 70601 — Educational Furniture/Equipment (Inventoried)
  • 70602 — Office Furniture/Equipment (Inventoried)
  • 70606 — Technology Equipment (Inventoried)
  • 71011 — Computer Equipment (Inventoried)

See the GLC page for a list of all the most commonly used capital and current expense GLCs.