Coach Wiggs On ESPN Radio Today and Friday
May 12, 2016
Before heading out for the FCSAA Tournament on Saturday, Santa Fe baseball coach Johnny Wiggs will hit the airwaves today, May 12 and Friday, May 13 for interviews with local ESPN Radio shows to discuss all things SF baseball. Santa Fe's first game at the tournament is on May 15 at 7:00 p.m..
Today, he will appear on Sportscene with Steve Russell at 12:05 p.m. to kick off the afternoon program. Friday Coach Wiggs will be live in the morning with Dooley and Collett at 10:35 a.m..
Fans can listen live locally in Gainesville on 95.3 FM, or online at
For complete schedules, stats, and more information please visit
Santa Fe College Face Book Memory: Coach Wiggs and Team