Calendar of Events Oct. 28- Nov 3
October 28, 2013
October 28, 2013
- Spring Registration by Appointment
- Community Ed Registration
- 352-395-5193.
- Christians On Campus Weekly Meeting
- 2:30 p.m. in S-326
- Student Government Jacket Drive
- A drop off box is located in the Building S lobby.
- Food Drive Benefiting Catholic Charities
- Collection boxes located in Building S through the end of November.
- Waste Audit Art Exhibit at the Santa Fe Gallery
- Opening Reception Tuesday, Oct. 29, 5-7 p.m.
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- 3:30 p.m. in S326.
- Chat With the President at the Perry Center
- 12:30 p.m.
- UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Walk-In Advising Session
- 1:30 p.m. at the UF@SF Center, HA 132
- Student Officers Organization Training
- 6 p.m. in S-329
- Breakfast Bake Sale Fundraiser
- 8:30 a.m. in Building S Breezeway
October 29, 2013
- Spring Registration by Appointment
- Greedy Reader Book Club
- Student Initiated Problem Solving
- 9:30 a.m. in A-001
- Nursing Student Organization General Meeting
- Noon WA-104
- Drug & Alcohol Awareness Day at The Blount Center
- 11:30 a.m.
- Circle K International Meetings
- 1 p.m. in P-261
- UF College of Business Walk-In Advising Session
- 1:30 p.m. at the UF@Santa Fe Center (HA132)
- Doing Halloween Right
- 2 p.m. in Building P Breezeway
- Polished Professionals Club Meetings
- 2 p.m. in S-316
- Black Student Union Meeting
- 3 p.m. in P-164
- Breakfast Bake Sale
- 8:30 a.m. in Building S Breezeway
- Organic Gardeners Bake Sale
- 10 a.m. in Building E Breezeway
October 30, 2013
- Spring Registration by Appointment
- Student Initiated Problem Solving
- 11:30 a.m. in B-227.
- Phi Theta Kappa Club Meeting
- 2 p.m. in B-12
- UF Wildlife Ecology & Conservation Walk-In Advising
- 1:30 p.m. at the UF@SF Center, HA132
- Musicians United Meeting
- 3 p.m. in E-Auditorium
- H.O.L.A Meetings
- 3 p.m. in P-262
- Queer Straight Alliance Meetings
- 3:30 p.m. S-316
- Gamers Night
- 5 p.m. in S-29/30
- Screams Around the World
- 10 a.m. in Building P and Building E Breezeways
- Trick or Treat for UNICEF
- 10 a.m. in Building E Breezeway
- Musicians United Tabling and Fund-Raiser
- 11 a.m. outside the E-Auditorium
- Sex 101
- 11 a.m. in the Oak Grove
- Sexual Health and Awareness Day
- 11 a.m. in Building S Breezeway
- Catholic Saints Meeting
- 11:45 a.m. in the Oak Grove
October 31, 2013
- Spring Registration by Appointment
- Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol
- 2 p.m. at the Watson Center
- Mu Beta Kappa Tabling
- 11 a.m. in Building S Breezeway
- Trick or Treat for UNICEF
- 10 a.m. in Building E Breezeway
- Photography Club Meeting
- 1 p.m. in S-327
- UF College of Engineering Walk-In Advising Session
- 1:30 p.m. in the UF@SF Center, HA132
- Night of the Living Nerd
- 5 p.m. in S-29
- ECSA Meeting
- 5 p.m. in S-317
- Trick or Treat for South Sudan
- 5 p.m. off campus
- Higher Consciousness Club Meeting
- 6 p.m. in P-260
- HSASA Club Meeting
- 6 p.m. in the Library
- Signing Saints Bake Sale
- 10 a.m. in Building P Breezeway
- Screams Around the World
- 10 a.m. Building P and Building E Breezeways
- AAZK Bake Sale Fund-Raiser
- 11 a.m. in front of the SF College Teaching Zoo
November 1, 2013
- Global Society General Meeting
- 2 p.m. in M-140
- Baptist Collegiate Ministry Meeting
- Noon in S-318
- Santa Fe Gamers Meeting
- 2 p.m. in S-326/327
- SF Dancers' Club Meeting
- 2 p.m. in S-318
- Baseball Scout Day
- 1:30 p.m.
- Women's Basketball vs. East Georgia State College
- 6 p.m. in the SF Gymnasium
- Men's Basketball vs. Middle Georgia College
- 8 p.m. in the SF Gymnasium
November 2, 2013
- Baseball vs. Gatorball Baseball Academy
- Noon at SF Field
November 3, 2013
- Women's Basketball vs. Miami Dade College
- Noon in the SF Gymnasium
- Men's Basketball vs. Impact Academy
- 2 p.m. in the SF Gymnasium