Model UN Scores at SRMUN Conference!
May 14, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Santa Fe's Model United Nations Team earned an Outstanding Delegation Award (the highest award available) this past weekend (November 20-23, 2008) at the Southern Regional Model United Nations (SRMUN) conference, the largest regional conference of its kind in the United States.
Two of our students, Evan Waldt and Jeffrey Knight, also won individual Outstanding Delegate Awards for representing the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in both the General Assembly Plenary and the General Assembly First Committees.
In addition, all of the students representing Libya were awarded an Outstanding Position Paper award for the research papers they submitted as a team before the conference. Our students competed against nearly 700 students representing over forty colleges and universities from the Southeastern United States. This is by far Santa Fe's most decorated team at this prestigious conference. Dr. Vilma Fuentes also was nominated to serve on the Board of SRMUN for the next two years.
Santa Fe's Model United Nations team now will begin preparing to compete at the National Model Untied Nations (NMUN) to be held at the United Nations headquarters in New York during April of next year. This will be Santa Fe's first time attending this international conference. Please be sure to congratulate our team members for doing such a wonderful job of representing our school.