Dan Rodkin Advocates for SF Students Regarding CHOICES
April 5, 2011
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Our appreciation to Student Life Director Dan Rodkin for his efforts to make the case for why our students should not be ineligible for CHOICES, Alachua County's health care program for the working uninsured (website). He is asking that the Santa Fe community come out to the April 26 County Commission meeting to lend support to this effort.
Dan shared this news in an email last night:
Some good news!
I attended the CHOICES Advisory Board meeting today, and following my presentation and a Q&A, the Advisory Board voted (5-1) to recommend that Santa Fe College students whom otherwise would be eligible for CHOICES be permitted to participate in the program once again.
During my presentation, I was able to state that both the Student Senate and College Senate endorsed my request, and I am sure it helped the Advisory Board to know that I was not just some crackpot with a crazy idea - my request had the support of two governance bodies behind it.
The next step is the County Commission. They will vote on this recommendation at their April 26 meeting (9 a.m. at the County Administration Building). It would be great to have a contingent of students and faculty present to show support of this initiative. I will be on the agenda to make a presentation, and the more in the room to support it the better! Please inform your organizations and encourage them to attend. Thanks!
Hopefully we will have some more good news at the end of the month!