Former Santa Fe Visual Arts Students Mark Milestones
April 7, 2011
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
This is a message from Professor Matthew Newell:
Paige Broadbent and Angela Gilland, both 2009 SF grads, will mark milestones this month with the showings of their BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) exhibits.
After graduating from Santa Fe, Paige went on to Flagler College in Saint Augustine and Angela to the School of Art and Art History at the University of Florida. While both have shown works locally over the last two years at venues such as the Thomas Center Galleries and WARPhaus, their BFA exhibitions are especially exciting, marking the completion of their Bachelor programs.
Angela's show is titled "Empty Weight," and can be seen at The Exchange, 815 West University Avenue, Gainesville – Opening Reception 7-10pm, Saturday, April 9.
Paige's show will be at the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum at Flagler College, 48 Scvilla Street, Saint Augustine, with an opening reception planned for 5-8 p.m, Friday, April 15.
Santa Fe students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the artists' opening receptions. Congratulations to them both!