Communicating Effectively Online; May 1

April 26, 2012

Please join your colleagues for the following webinar sponsored by the Center for Instructional Design and Academic Technologies. The webinar will be held in P266 (seating is limited, so come early if you can). Following this one hour presentation, we will have a 30 minute discussion regarding the content and implications of the presentation.

Communicating Effectively Online
2 p.m. Tuesday, May 1
Toni Marie Burkhalter, Associate Professor of Biology and Kinesiology, Parkland College

One of the greatest challenges in online education is creating an atmosphere were individuals feel heard, connected and important. Communication is key to creating a cohesive atmosphere within an online class. There are several types of interactions that can occur synchronously or asynchronously: student-to-technology, student-to-data/information, student-to-student, student-to-faculty and faculty-to-student.

Instructors can use a variety of tools or techniques to facilitate unity within the class. Announcements can underscore important course events or student successes. Used effectively, email can form a relationship with students, or if used ineffectively, it can make students feel like the course is impersonal. Synchronous chat during office hours allows students to have an online conversation real-time, and provide an environment similar to a face-to-face course. Surveys can gather student feedback. Discussion boards can offer a variety of ways to enhance online learning.

Using the appropriate communication tool successfully is necessary for students and faculty to feel interconnected in an online environment. Toni Marie Burkhalter will highlight a variety of methods instructors can use effectively to offer valuable communication in an online environment.