Want to Keep Up with Local Gardening Events and Happenings?
April 28, 2011
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The mission of Grow Gainesville, the non-profit urban gardening network, is to increase our community's ability to produce and share food grown in urban gardens.
It's a joint project of Florida Organic Growers, Alachua County, City of Gainesville, University of Florida, Santa Fe College, Gainesville Farm Fresh, Hogtown Homegrown, and other community groups.
Check out their new Google event calendar.
Read the first issue of their new e-newsletter.
Grow Gainesville also has a very active, and open, Facebook group for networking.
Garden Potluck downtown, May 5
Their next event is a social gathering and potluck at the Downtown Farmers Garden located on the west side of the Alachua County Administration Building on South Main Street at University Avenue. Bring a dish to share and learn about the group's activities, get a tour of the garden, and share your love of gardening with other passionate gardeners. Grow Gainesville members are working to increase the number of school and community gardens, among many other projects.
For more information about Grow Gainesville, contact Julie Garrett at 352-395-5430 or visit her office in P-237.
Read more about Grow Gainesville at the Florida Organic Growers website and in this Gainesville Guardian article by Aida Mallard.