Library Study Rooms - Finals Week
November 20, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
In order to efficiently provide library study rooms to students during finals time, stricter scheduling policies will be in effect from Monday, Nov. 30 to Thursday, Dec. 10.
During this time:
1. Small library study rooms may only be checked out to groups of two or more.
2. Large library study rooms may only be checked out to groups of five or more.
3. All members of your group must be present in order to check out the room.
4. Rooms may be reserved for a maximum of 3 consecutive hours.
5. Groups may reserve a room no more than once a day.
6. Failure to show after 15 minutes will result in the loss of your room.
See the complete list of rules.
To reserve a study room, call 395-5409 or fill out the online form.