H1N1 flu vaccines to be available Friday, November 20th and Monday, November 23rd
November 18, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The Santa Fe College Student Health Care Center (SHCC) has received an allotment of 1,400 H1N1 vaccines from the Alachua County Health Department, and the SHCC expects to begin administering the H1N1 vaccines to students, faculty, and staff this Friday on a first come, first serve basis.
To receive a vaccine, students, faculty, and staff must go online at , download the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine What You Need To Know Flyer and Alachua County Health Department Questionnaire.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to read the Flyer, fill out the Questionnaire completely, and bring a valid Santa Fe College ID prior to receiving the H1N1 Vaccine.
Only students, faculty, and staff with valid SF ID cards will be vaccinated.
Site locations:
- Friday, November 20
09:00 – 3:30, S-029
- Monday,November 23
09:00 – 3:30, R-001