CT3 announces fall 2015 professional development calendar
August 27, 2015
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
CT3 (formerly known as Academic Technologies) now has its fall 2015 faculty professional development calendar available for registration. Workshop titles include:
- Certificate for Classroom Teaching (CCTL)
- Certificate for Online Design and Instruction (CODI)
- Information sessions for the two certificate programs above
- Quality Matters (APPQMR)
- Canvas Commons (new feature)
- Relevant Rubrics
- Digital Literacy
- Adobe Connect
- Canvas Organization & Modules
- Gamification
- Canvas Lunch and Learn sessions (we provide the lunch)
- Universal Design for Learning
- Studio in a Bag
- And many more!
Read the complete descriptions and register at https://apps.sfcollege.edu/profdev/login.php.