2014 Open Enrollment
October 15, 2013
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Santa Fe's annual Open Enrollment for Health, Dental, Vision, Life & FLEX Spending will begin on Oct. 28, and end on Nov. 8th.
In order make changes or cancel your current plan participation with FloridaBlue (BCBS) HEALTH INSURANCE, UNUM SUPPLEMENTAL TERM LIFE, DELTA DENTAL or ADVANTICA VISION you must stop by Human Resources within the two week Open Enrollment period.
If you are enrolled in the FLEX SPENDING account with Custom Benefits Services you must re-enroll for the 2014 Plan year. Online enrollment is available to those employees who currently have an online account established with Custom Benefit Services. Click here for FLEX ONLINE ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS. ONLINE ENROLLMENT ACCESS WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FROM MONDAY, OCT. 28, THROUGH FRIDAY, NOV. 8th.
Plan participants who do not currently have online access or new plan participants, must complete a 2014 enrollment form. If you would like to meet with a plan representative, please contact Mikayla Klein at 5066 to schedule an appointment. Tom Watson will be on campus Oct. 29 and Oct. 30, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.