Career Service Council Seeks Nominees for Parliamentarian
September 21, 2020
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
September 21, 2020 – A change in the bylaws of the Career Service Council has created a new elected position for a Parliamentarian. Under Article VI, Section 6 of the Career Service Council bylaws, the Parliamentarian "is responsible for working with the CSC President to ensure that all Council meetings, elections, and business are conducted in accordance with the CSC Bylaws. The CSC Parliamentarian shall serve on the Bylaws and Elections Committee. The CSC Parliamentarian shall meet with the Bylaws and Elections Committee prior to the opening of the CSC election cycle to explain the elections process and eligibility requirements and to answer any questions regarding the process. The CSC Parliamentarian will work with the CSC Secretary to ensure a quorum is met prior to the start of conducting CSC business."
Any Career Service employee at Santa Fe College interested in running for the position of Parliamentarian can submit nominations to now through October 18. The nominees will campaign from Oct. 19-25, and elections will be held Oct. 26-Nov. 9.
Upon election, the winning candidate will take office Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020.