2017 Advising Awards Announced at Convocation

August 24, 2018
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
August 24, 2018 - The winners of Santa Fe College's 2017-18 Advising Awards were announced during Fall Convocation Tuesday morning.
Yolanda Thomas, an A.A. Academic Advisor, received the Excellence in Advisement award. Yolanda consistently distinguishes herself as a top-notch, go-to advisor. She plays a leading role in the advising duties associated with SF guaranteed admission programs at USF, UNF and FAMU. According to Lee Delaino, "Yolanda's mature, calm and gentle ways are valued and welcomed amongst her team and supervisors." Yolanda also led the initiative to create a series of Student Advising Workshops fostering engagement with her colleagues from across campus.
Sandra Torres-Pintos, Coordinator for Veterans and Military Success Services, received the Advisor of the Year award. A 20-year marine, Sandra lives by the boot-camp instilled rule of never leaving a man or woman behind. With this commitment to helping veteran students, active duty students and military dependents, she created the new, mandatory Veteran's Orientation. Sandra also created #SheServed, a group that is dedicated to helping female veterans achieve and maintain academic success. According to Nick McMillen, "Tores-Pintos" is an inspiration to both students and faculty alike.
Congratulations Sandra and Yolanda!