Can Your Genes Help You Fit into Your Jeans?
April 23, 2012
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Santa Fe's Center for Innovation & Economic Development (CIED) presents the first installment in the Science of Health Lecture Series: "Will your genes help you fit into your jeans? The genetics of metabolism and obesity" by Dr. Maulik Shah at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 26, at the CIED, 530 W. University Ave.
Dr. Maulik Shah MD PhD is a former University Professor who trained at the Medical College of Virginia, Texas Medical Center and the National Institutes of Health. He was part of the team that conducted the very first Human Gene Therapy Clinical Trial. He has published more than 100 scientific papers and abstracts on topics in Medicine and Genetics. As a clinician, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Medical Center for patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. His current interest is in the use of Genetics to improve health.
The goal of this seminar series is to review the newest science related to pertinent medical topics. In this first session, Dr. Shah will review the basics of nutrition, the physiology of metabolism and discuss the medical causes of obesity. In addition, he will discuss new scientific advances on the role of genetics in maintaining a healthy weight. Recent advances suggest that an individual's genetic profile may help dictate the optimal diet regimen and may help identify the optimal weight-loss regimen. Genes associated with optimal metabolism were recently identified from a Stanford study and in another study it was shown that individuals following a diet based on their genetic analysis were more likely to lose weight, keep weight off and maintain a healthy weight.
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