Congratulations to Javan Brown, SF Brand Ambassador for July 2019

August 1, 2019
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
August 1, 2019 – Every once in a while an individual comes along who is exploding with his own big ideas, and at the same time completely at ease with following institutional rules and staying within his budget. "You all are the experts," is Javan Brown's heart-felt mantra whenever he walks through the doors in Communications & Creative Services, which makes everyone on the CCS team eager to work with him. We also understand the degree to which he has his hands full - he is a new dad, an active-duty officer in the Army Reserves and the sole leader of My Brother's Keeper, which helps retain men of color on our campus through the power of mentorship and community. In the past year, Javan has worked with CCS on rack cards, t-shirts, website edits, magazine ads, Facebook events and promotional videos. He'd have preferred for that list to include skywriting, some dance competitions, and painting large swaths of the campus bright red, but you won't catch him complaining. He's just back to the drawing board.