SF's James Albury's Star Gazer TV Spots
June 7, 2011
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Planetarium Coordinator James Albury writes: Here are my June 2011 episodes of "Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer." Enjoy!
"Those Starry Summer Nights are Coming!" – 1 minute and 5 minute videos for June 6-12
"Join Us in Our Annual Day Star Day Celebration on this Summer Solstice Weekend 2011!" – 1 minute and 5 minute videos for June 13-19
"A Bunch of Celestial Triple Headers Next Week!" – 1 minute and 5 minute videos, June 20-26
"A Lunar Liaison With Leo The Lion and the Curious Caper of the Clipped Claws" – 1 minute and 5 minute videos, June 26-July 3