What We're Doing for Summer
June 18, 2009
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Writes Nina Trombi-Shein, of Academic Foundations:
"This summer is all about living a better quality of life than I was living for the last few years.
"In early May I began going to the Fitness Center at 6:30 a.m. to exercise before my work day. I thought this routine would be hard to keep up because I was a night owl.
"But, it's turned out to be a really great way to start my morning. As a result of exercising three to four times a week in the mornings, my sleep schedule is more regulated; I feel much happier at work; I have more energy to do things around the office and at home; and best of all my motivation is back.
"I can also enjoy hiking outdoors at one of the many state parks in the area, which is something I never knew I would enjoy so much. Florida is truly beautiful when you take the time to see it up close. I just need to bring more bug spray.
"Once I started exercising regularly I also began to eat a lot healthier and by choice! I'm enjoying eating more fresh fruits and veggies on a daily basis. This wee,k I started a little potted Victory Garden on the balcony of my apartment and I'm excited about growing some of my own vegetables and herbs for meals.
"I'm really grateful to my coworker and good friend, Oralia Gamino, as well as the chair of my department, Carole Windsor, for all their help and encouragement. I felt like I was in a rut, but I eventually had a little mental change. With their support, I have some solid momentum going. It means a lot to me."
For a quick look at SFC's wellness resources, check out the Well Santa Fe webpage and the SFC Fitness Center.