Annual Florida Model United Nations Conference Held October 25-26
November 4, 2016
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Recently, Santa Fe College hosted the eleventh annual Florida Model United Nations Conference. On October 25-26, two hundred students from all over the state gathered together to solve global problems from the illicit small arms trade to how to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Santa Fe College received seven awards: Nina Alfonzo won an Outstanding Delegate Award for her work on the World Health Organization and Carlos Alfonzo won Best Position Paper Award in the Security Council. Together, with the help of Tony Faieta in the General Assembly, they won the Distinguished Delegation Award for their portrayal of Venezuela. Reeya Gupta, Taylor Shrum, Tyler Dixon, and Carl Morelli won a Distinguished Delegation Award for their portrayal of the USA. Andres Chinchilla and Ethan Huber won an Honorable Delegation as Nigeria. In the Joint Crisis Committee on the Haitian Revolution, Ryan Hamilton was recognized for his portrayal of Jacques Brissot and in the World Food Programme, Daphne Cavanaugh was recognized as Most Improved Delegate.
The following SFC students participated as well: Michael Chambers, Matt Dobrzanski, Eliza Goldstein, Nina Borroto, Pablo Figueroa, Usra Khan, Graham Moore, Evan Rohe, Eric Matthewson, Sofia McPherson, Mat Coram, and Nurian Shinkman.