A Message Concerning Recent Phone Solicitation by the MDA
October 2, 2012
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Many of you may have received a phone call recently from an organization soliciting
your involvement in a Muscular Dystrophy Association "Lock-up." Apparently, the agency
working on behalf of MDA has been using the college phone directory to solicit your
involvement. The organizers of this effort have since been contacted and asked to
stop the calls; however, should the solicitation persist, please report any incidents
to our Director of Human Resources Lela Frye.
While SF certainly supports involvement with charitable organizations such as MDA
we want to make it clear that Santa Fe College has no direct involvement with this
effort and in no way should you be led to believe that SF is mandating your involvement.
All the same, should you chose to participate, please seek approval for, and make
leave arrangements with your area supervisor if the event occurs during your regular
working hours at SF.