Emergency Aid / Resources

On This Page

Financial Resources

Computer Resources

Housing Resources/Homelessness and Foster

Childcare Resources

Food Resources

Wellness Resources

Clothing Resources

Transportation Resources

Academic Resources

Safety Resources

Other Resources

Financial Resources

Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant


The Santa Fe College Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant is available to assist currently enrolled students who have a sudden, unforeseen financial emergency. The grant is overseen by the College Ombudsperson, Dr. Bea Awoniyi. Funds are provided by the Santa Fe College Foundation to help students overcome temporary financial crises so that they may remain enrolled at Santa Fe College.

Grant Eligibility and Details

All Santa Fe College (SF) students who are taking classes in the semester of request, who have earned a GPA of 2.0, and who have completed at least 6 credit hours of college classes are eligible for consideration. All eligible students will also see the landing page in their eSantaFe portal. If it does not appear on your scholarship page, then you may not be eligible.


Students must:

  • Be enrolled in SF classes for the semester of request.
  • Have earned (completed) at least 6 college credit hours at SF.
  • Have a SF cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Not having outstanding debts or obligations to SF.

What is an eligible emergency aid expense?

Eligible emergencies are student’s financial situations that are immediate, short-term, and severe in nature. Emergencies considered by the committee include documented:

  • Fire or Natural Disaster
  • Loss of Childcare
  • Medical Issues
  • Theft of Essential Academic Items
  • Transportation Issues
  • Victimization
  • Other (explain in narrative)

Note: Emergencies are not chronic and do not involve pre-existing situations.

Required Documentation
Documentation will vary depending on the situation and the request. However, students should provide any documentation that is relevant to the specific financial need and hardship. Examples include copies of bills/paid invoices/receipts or eviction notices, overdue payments, notifications from childcare or healthcare providers.

Funds for the Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant are made available through the SF Foundation and the generous donations of individuals who care about the health and wellbeing of SF students.

The amount varies depending on the situation and documentation. The maximum grant amount is $500.

The SF Foundation will only write the check to the third party that the student identifies, i.e., the car repair shop, landlord, etc. Neither the student nor the college qualify as third party. Students can elect to pick up the check to deliver themselves or they can provide a mailing address for the Foundation to send the check on behalf of the student.

This is a grant, not a loan. Therefore, students do not have to pay it back.

Have questions or assistance?

Contact the Ombuds at bea.awoniyi@sfcollege.edu or by phone at 352-395-5513 if you encounter any problems completing the online application.

How often can I apply for the Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant?
Students are only eligible one time during their enrollment at the college. Unless they have completed their A.A. and are not pursuing their B.A.S.

How can I donate to the SF’s Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant?
Thank you for partnering with us on behalf of our students. Click on this link, Ways to Give - Foundation (sfcollege.edu) to find out the different ways in which you can donate. The goal of the Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant is to eliminate barriers that sudden, unforeseen emergencies can cause so our students will continue with their classes. Thank you for your generous consideration.

Childcare Resources


Santa Fe College has a new opportunity for low-income parents who need child care while taking college classes. The CCAMPIS Grant, which stands for Child Care Access Means Parents in School, offers student-parents financial assistance with child care while attending classes.

Participants are required to maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, participate in five hours of community service during the semester and meet other requirements to remain in good standing with the grant.

CCAMPIS is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and funding for this project continues until September 2024.

Computers, Internet and Webcams

Laptop Loan Program

Students who need laptop for college coursework may apply to borrow one through SF's laptop loan program. Visit sfcollege.edu/LaptopLoan for more information and to complete the application.

Internet and Computers

A national program called EveryoneOn is designed to help local communities find low-cost internet and affordable computers in their area. Santa Fe College has partnered with EveryoneOn's Digital Equity Champions program to connect our students and their families to internet (beyond a cell phone) to ensure they have access to what they need at home to be successful. Find offers in the local community at everyoneon.org/find-offers.

Resources for Homelessness and Foster Students

Students experiencing housing instability (no stable nighttime housing) should contact SF's Homeless Liaison, Dr. Bea Awoniyi for assistance. She can refer students to college and community resources to address their housing situation.

Additionally, students facing housing instability may qualify for:

Homeless Tuition Exemption


The homeless exemption exempts the cost of tuition for those students who lack a fixed, nighttime dwelling and are certified as “homeless” by a certified homeless facility. A letter from a certified homeless agency certifying the student’s homelessness must be submitted to the Office of Admission in Room R-101 at the Northwest campus.

Dependency Override


A student experiencing homelessness may qualify for a change in dependency status on the FAFSA. See the Financial Aid's page for Special Circumstances.

Food Resources

Saints Food Share

Student Life

Saints Food Share is fighting hunger and fueling student success by distributing non-perishable groceries and baked goods to SF students and employees experiencing food insecurity. Free baked goods are available on Mondays starting at 7:30am in the S Breezeway. Personalized bags of non-perishable groceries are also available by request. There is a grab-and-go pantry in the Student Life lobby so nobody has to go to class hungry. To request groceries or make a referral for someone experiencing food insecurity, contact sarah.blanc@sfcollege.edu.

Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

A small amount of non-perishable food items are available 24/7, no questions asked, at the Police Department by request or referral. Food is provided by the Gainesville Harvest.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides funds to help buy food. Students may be eligible if they meet the criteria for student exemptions under SNAP guidelines. Visit Access Florida to apply for SNAP benefits and for more information about the program.

Wellness Resources

Counseling and Wellness Center

Building R, Room 227

The Counseling and Wellness Center provides short-term, solution-focused counseling to SF students free of charge, as well as crisis intervention, outreach and consultation. The Center is part of the Trauma Response Team at Santa Fe College which provides needed comfort to students, faculty, staff and families in times of crisis. Counselors also assist students, faculty and staff identify other services in the college and in the community that may be helpful. In addition to its participation in events such as Safe Spring Break and numerous awareness events.

Fitness Center

Building V, SF Gym

All currently enrolled students with a valid SFID may access the Fitness Center for a shower and/or a physical exercise.

Dental Clinic @ SF

Building W-71

Services offered by the clinic include: Cleaning, X-rays Dental Radiographs (x-rays), Oral Examination/Dental Hygiene/Treatment Planning, Debridement (cleaning), Topical Fluoride Treatments, Sealants, Oral Hygiene Instructions, Fillings, and Crowns performed by SF Dental Programs students. Cost for services vary depending on type of service provided to the patient. Call 352-395-5655 to make an appointment. Spaces are limited. Clinic Schedule: Monday - Thursday, 8am - 12pm and 1 - 5pm, Friday 8am - 12pm The clinic schedule may vary depending upon the semester schedule and student needs.


Santa Fe College students have FREE, 24/7 access to virtual care services with TimelyCare — the virtual health and well-being platform designed for college students.

Clothing Resources

Saints Share Wear

Building HA-130

Share Wear is Santa Fe College's on-campus thrift shop offering clothes, shoes, and accessories for $1 or less. Share Wear is open every Wednesday from 10:00am-1:00pm in HA-130 (next to the UF@SF Center). Students with emergency clothing needs can contact Share Wear for assistance.

Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

Clothing items are available 24/7 at the Police Department by request or referral to anyone. Persons may need clothing in circumstances where their own clothing was damaged or torn, a person was victimized, or for inclement weather. Clothing is provided by Saints Share Wear.

Displaced Homemaker Program

Building I-040

The Displaced Homemaker Program offers non-traditional students a clothes closet as well as free classes and workshops to develop Life Management Skills, Employability Skills, Basic Computer Skills, Job Counseling, Financial Management and Educational Exploration.

Transportation Resources

RTS Bus Service


All currently enrolled SF students and staff with a current SFID card can enjoy pre-paid unlimited access to all RTS Fixed-Route Services. No fee is required. Santa Fe College is regularly serviced by the Regional Transit System (RTS) and buses stop on campus in front of S-Building. (Not valid on Special Services such as Gator Aider, etc,)

Jump Start for Dead Vehicle Battery by the Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

As a courtesy, the Santa Fe College Police Department will provide students with a portable jump starter box for check out if the battery in a vehicle dies on campus. Portable jump starters at the Police Department on the Northwest campus and from Center College officials at other campuses. Visit the SF Police Department in Building T (near the Library). To check out the jump starter box, bring identification. For those who don’t know how to jump a dead battery, police can assist on site.

Academic Resources

Learning Commons In-Person and Online Tutoring

The Learning Commons is an academic resource center located within the Lawrence W. Tyree Library (Building Y). The Learning Commons provides free tutoring services and academic coaching for all SF students. Tutoring services are also located at all of our Center Locations.
If you need help outside of regular tutoring hours, after hours tutoring is available through Tutor.com. Log into eSantaFe, then navigate to Tutoring & Support and choose After Hours Tutoring to get started.


Building Y352-395-4163

The Learning Commons is an academic resource center located within the Lawrence W. Tyree Library (Building Y). The Learning Commons provides free tutoring services and academic coaching for all SF students.

Textbook Loaner Program

Current and/or updated textbooks may be available in the Lawrence W. Tyree Library (Building Y) at the Reserve Desk on the First Floor.

Calculator Rental at Student Life

First floor of the Building S

Student Life has a limited number of TI-83+ and TI-84 calculators available to students taking math courses. A student may borrow a calculator for a limited period of time and must return it to the Student Life in the same condition as when it was checked-out. The individual checking out the calculator agrees to pay the Student Life replacement costs if the TI-83+ is lost, damaged or returned with parts missing.

Cap and Gown Request at Student Life

First floor of the Building S

As a service for graduating students without the financial resources to purchase a cap and gown, Student Life provides a Cap and Gown Assistance Program. This program provides students who demonstrate financial need with a cap and gown for the duration of their commencement ceremony. To be eligible to borrow a cap and gown from Student Life, students must have an active application for Graduation on file and indicate they are walking at the ceremony.

Disabilities Resource Center (DRC)

Building S-229

If you have a disability, it shouldn't keep you from participating fully in classes or on campus. The DRC is committed to providing services to students with disabilities so that they can have equal opportunities. The DRC can help with students who need priority seating, alternative testing, sign language interpreters, service animals and more.

TRIO Programs- Student Support Services

Building L, 054-058

Student Support Services provides academic and advising support for first time in college students, low income, and/or students with disabilities. Student Support Services is home to Santa Fe College's TRIO Hub, a meeting place for participants with a study room that can be reserved, and a fully staffed study lab. The lab provides one-on-one tutoring support as well as computer and printing stations. Our academic coach is available to assist participants throughout their degree program with helpful tips, tools and advice to help each student reach their personal and academic goals.

Safety Resources

Safe Santa Fe: Say Something!


Santa Fe College is committed to providing a safe learning environment. If you see behavior that indicates a potential for violence or threatens anyone at SF or on SF property, please dial 911 or call the Santa Fe College Police Department IMMEDIATELY at 352-395-5555 and report the behavior with information including location, date and time, persons involved, descriptions, and witness. If you have concerns that are not immediate, you may share them with the college’s Behavioral Intervention Team using this Report Form.

Safety Escort Service by the Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

The Santa Fe College Police Department will provide primarily nightly safety escort service to and from buildings for those who desire it. If you desire a safety escort day or night, you may call the Department at 352-395-5519.

"Safe Space" at Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

The SFPD building is a refuge for youth and provides access to immediate help and supportive resources for youth in crisis or who are runaways. Youth who come to the PD will be connected to CDS Family and Behavioral Services. This is denoted by the “Safe Space” sign on the front of the building.

Safe Trade Zone at Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

The SFPD is a “Safe Trade Zone.” Persons can conduct transactions for online sales using the Police Department front lobby or parking area. This is especially helpful when meeting strangers to buy or sell goods via an online website. This provides a safer area to transact and is designated by the “Safe Trade Zone” sign on the front of the building.

Other Resources

Career Exploration Center

Building R, Room 217

The Career Exploration Center has staff and resources that can assist students in their process of identifying career goals and programs of study. The CEC has computerized assessments that will help identify a person's interests, values, personality traits and other relevant factors that can be used to suggest careers that are worthy of exploration. You can also search for colleges, scholarships and potential employers. The center is open to SF students, faculty and staff, and anyone else in the community.

Career and Job Placement Center

Building M, Room 135

The Santa Fe College Career and Job Placement Office provides student assistance with off-campus full-time, part-time, internship and apprenticeship opportunities. Services include resume and cover letter preparation, interview coaching, application assistance, employer introductions, workshops and career advising. For more information or to set an appointment please call James Schindler at 352-395-5822 or email james.schindler@sfcollege.edu.

Displaced Homemaker Program

Building I-040

The Displaced Homemaker Program assists non-traditional aged students and returning students with admissions application assistance, with Food Pantry assistance, with a clothes closet and with free classes and workshops to develop Life Management Skills, Employability Skills, Basic Computer Skills, Job Counseling, Financial Management and Educational Exploration.

International Center

Building S, Room 313

SF has a strong and vibrant international population with students representing nearly 100 countries from around the world. International Student Services (ISS) supports international students from application to graduation and beyond. ISS prepares federal immigration documents for the F-1 process, while International Student Support and Advising (ISSA) provides academic advising for international students who must consider additional enrollment requirements. ISSA also provides cultural programs to help international students adjust to the United States and provides an opportunity for them to share their culture with the college and greater community.

Lost and Found at the Santa Fe College Police Department

Building T

The Santa Fe College Police Department is charged with securing all items found on campus. These items are to be turned into the Police Department as soon as possible. Lost articles may be claimed Monday through Friday from 8am to 11pm

Tuition Exemptions at Admissions

Building R, Room 101
M-Th 8am - 5:30pm
Fri 8am - 4:30pm

DCF Tuition Exemption


For students who were in the care of the Florida Department of Children and Families, DCF exemptions cover all undergraduate tuition and fees until the student reaches 28 years of age.

Tuition Payment Plan


The Cashier's Office has partnered with NelNet to offer a payment plan for students who must self pay. The payment plan allows you to break up the cost of tuition into more manageable amounts. The payments get larger as you get closer to when classes begin, so be sure to plan.

Veterans and Military Success Services

Building R, Room 110

This program aims to help student Veterans, Military Service Members and their families succeed and thrive through a coordinated delivery of both on-campus and off-campus benefits assistance leading to completion of their education and preparing them to enter the labor market in viable careers.

Ways to Pay


This page helps students explore the many resources available to help = pay for college.