Math Department General Policies

Discrimination/Harassment Policy Statement

Santa Fe College prohibits any form of discrimination or sexual harassment among students, faculty, and staff. For further information, refer to College Rule 2.8.

If you are a student with a disability

SF values diversity and inclusion and is committed to fostering mutual respect and full participation for all students. The Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) facilitates reasonable accommodations for students who encounter disability-related barriers in the learning environment. If you have a disability that may affect your work in this class and think you need accommodations, please contact the DRC to schedule an appointment and start a conversation about reasonable accommodations. For more information, go to the DRC website.

College Academic Integrity Statement

The very nature of higher education requires that students adhere to accepted standards of academic integrity. Therefore SF has adopted a Code of Student Conduct that outlines general guidelines. Students are encouraged to discuss issues related to academic integrity with instructors. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying or sharing answers on an exam or any other graded assignment when not instructed to do so, or working together on any non-group project. For more information, please go to: College Rule 7.23.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The purpose of this document is to provide students with a general overview of both their rights and responsibilities as members of the SF community. For a complete list, view the Student Rights and Responsibilities page.

Math Course Gordon Rule Statement

The A.A. degree requires completion of 6 hours of General Education mathematics credit. To satisfy the Gordon Rule requirement for this course, students must receive a grade of C or higher for their final course grade. Earning a course grade of D or D+ will allow the course to count as an elective, but neither Gordon Rule nor General Education credit will be given.

SF Resources

Several offices and student organizations on campus offer free tutoring to SF students, as well as advice on test-taking and study skills. Here is some contact information you may find useful:

Santa Fe College Counseling and Wellness Center

Santa Fe College recognizes that there may be times, as a college student, when personal stressors interfere with your academic performance and your daily life. The Santa Fe Counseling and Wellness Center supports students by addressing mental and emotional well-being, and provides free and confidential short-term individual, couples, and group counseling, crisis intervention, outreach and referral services. Visit to learn more about services and resources.