Sustainability at Home

Plastic Free Ecochallenge

Image of brown turtle with red near mouth and on head. Text reads "Plastic Free Ecochallenge July 1-31, 2023."

Plastic Free Ecochallenge is a month-long initiative hosted every July that challenges participants to reduce their single-use plastic consumption.

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Gorillas on the Line

gorilla silhouette on a cellphone. Gorillas on the Line

We are joining Gorilla SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) and the Gorilla Species Survival Plan for Gorillas on the Lineā€¦ Answer the Call!.

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Sustainability at the Zoo

As a conservation organization and an educational institution, the SF Teaching Zoo strives to lead by example in the realm of sustainability and green practices. We are able to accomplish our mission by creating a conservation culture among our staff and students and reaching out to our community. In recent years, the Zoo has expanded partnerships with community organizations including Zero Waste Gainesville, Alachua County Waste Alternatives, Repurpose Project and Life Unplastic to achieve our goals. We also participate in any sustainability-based programs initiated by other Santa Fe College departments. Learn more about sustainability initiatives college-wide and resources by checking out Sustainable Santa Fe.

Waste Reduction

compost cart and 2 buckets in front of zoo entrance

In recent years, staff assessed our collective waste and devised alternatives to single use items.

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Green Team

4 keepers in line at water fountain with reusable bottles

The SF Teaching Zoo supports a Green Team whose members are comprised of student zookeepers in the Zoo Animal Technology program and five full time staff members.

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Sustainable Buying

otter with fish

We are committed to purchasing from local businesses when possible, and supporting companies committed to sustainability. 

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