Accounts Payable

On This Page

Accounts Payable receives invoices and processes payments owed by the college to vendors and other outside parties (not students). We are located in area F-26 on the first floor of the Robertson Administration building.

For payments owed to students, see Student Financial Services or Financial Aid.

Invoice Instructions

Send all invoices, receipts, and similar documents to accountspayable@sfcollege.eduElectronic documents are preferred. Paper documents should be scanned and emailed, ensuring the scan is clearly legible with all information in view. Alternately, paper documents may be sent to area F-26 attn: Accounts Payable. 

  • Paper invoices must be signed and dated, must include the note "OK to pay", and must include the corresponding purchase order number.
  • Emailed invoices must include confirmation that goods/services were received and inspected and that the PO is OK to pay.

NOTE: Submit invoices as soon as goods/services are received so payment can be sent promptly. Most payments are due within 30 days of placing the order. 

Important Reminders

  1. You must obtain a valid purchase order BEFORE making any purchase. Purchases made without a purchase order may be considered personal transactions and are not an obligation to the college.
  2. Accounts Payable does not track PO balances and is not notified when shipments are delivered. It is your responsibility to know the balances of your POs and submit invoices promptly for payment.
  3. To increase, decrease, or cancel a PO, contact Purchasing. Accounts Payable can only liquidate POs. 

BBVA Vendor Payment Program

Effective June 1, 2021, the Office for Finance has partnered with BBVA to implement virtual credit cards as our preferred payment method to vendors. Benefits of this virtual credit card program include:

  • Accelerated Receipt – no waiting for postal mail and check clearance
  • Improved Security – checks can be lost or stolen; cards are more secure
  • Detailed Remittance – invoice list is included with payments
  • Prompt Settlement of delays, disputes, and collection costs

In order to accept the virtual credit card for payment, vendors must agree to enroll in the program. BBVA will contact vendors to review the benefits of enrolling, and will complete their enrollment if they agree to participate. If a vendor contacts you in response to an email or call they received from BBVA, let them know the college has authorized the contact and encourage them to call the BBVA representative to complete their enrollment. This is a voluntary program, and vendors may choose to continue receiving payment by check. If you have any questions about the program, contact Sandra McCusker at 395-5215.

Accounts Payable Forms

Accounts Payable Contact

Sandra McCusker, 395-5215