
Fall Financial Aid Update – The 2024-2025 FAFSA is available now at Visit SF’s FAFSA Updates page for information about Financial Aid and the Fall 2024 semester.

Apply for Aid Online (FAFSA)

To obtain federal, state, and institutional financial aid, as well as many scholarships, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

When Should I Apply?

The FAFSA for the following academic year is available on October 1. You should apply as soon as possible. Some grant programs have limited funds.  These grants are awarded to qualified applicants based on FAFSA submission date.

What Do I Need to Apply?

To complete the FAFSA:

  1. FSA ID: You and all contributors to your FAFSA (Parents, spouse) will need their own FSA ID. You can create one at
  2. Tax Information: In most cases tax information will be transferred directly from the IRS using the direct data exchange. In some cases, students or parents may need to enter their information manually. 
  3. School List: A list of the schools you are applying to. Make sure to include Santa Fe College. School Code is 001519.

FAFSA Application

  1. After the FAFSA is submitted and processed by the federal government, you will receive a FAFSA submission summary (FSS). The FSS will show:
    • Student Aid Index (SAI): Previously called the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) this number is used to determine your eligibility for financial aid programs. 
    • Financial Aid Eligibility: A summary of the federal financial aid programs you are likely to be eligible for.
    • Verification Selection: If there is an asterisk next to your SAI you have been selected by the federal government for verification
    • Comments: The comments will tell you if you might have to make corrections to your FAFSA or provide additional documentation to the school you will attend. 
  2. Read any comment codes and make necessary corrections to your FAFSA form at You will receive a new FSS once corrections are submitted and processed. 
  3. The College will receive an electronic file of the information from your FAFSA. Review any notifications from the college and your financial aid portal, to see if additional information or documents are required. 

Financial Aid Offer

If you meet requirements for financial aid, you will receive an email and a text message notification (if you have opted in for text communications). You will navigate to your financial aid portal to see the types and amounts of aid offered, specific program information, your responsibilities, and any requirements for the aid.